
Defines functions convert_file project_raster fill_polygon_holes add_area_field

Documented in add_area_field convert_file fill_polygon_holes project_raster

# Tools to modify raster or sf objects

#' Add and calculate an area field for polygon sf objects
#' Add and calcualte an area field for polygon sf objects.  Area is calcuated
#' based on the linear unit of the assigned projection of the input sf object.
#' @param sf_obj An polygon sf object
#' @param field_name character. The name of the area field.
#' @return Modified sf object
#' @author Chris R. Vernon (chris.vernon@pnnl.gov)
#' @importFrom sf st_area
#' @export
add_area_field <- function(sf_obj, field_name) {
  sf_obj[field_name] <- st_area(sf_obj$geometry)

#' Fill holes in polygon by area threshold
#' @param sf_object sf polygon object
#' @param sqkm_threshold area threshold to fill holes smaller than in square kilometers
#' @details Fill holes in polygon by area threshold in square kilometers
#' @importFrom units set_units
#' @importFrom smoothr fill_holes
#' @export
fill_polygon_holes <- function(sf_object, sqkm_threshold) {
  # set area threshold
  area_thresh <- set_units(sqkm_threshold, km^2)
  # remove holes
  Final_shape_file <- fill_holes(sf_object, threshold = area_thresh)
  #Make valid
  exceptions <- st_is_valid(Final_shape_file,NA_on_exception = TRUE)
  na_exceptions <- exceptions[is.na(exceptions)]
  self_intersections <- exceptions[exceptions=="FALSE"]
  #Fix invalid geometries
    Final_shape_file <- st_make_valid(Final_shape_file)
  #Fix self intersections
    Final_shape_file <- st_make_valid(Final_shape_file)

#' project_raster
#' Convert raster to specific dimensions and formats
#' @param inupt_file location of input file
#' @param input_format format of the input file  
#' @param method Method of conversion. Default is set to average 
#' @param projection Output projection type. Defualt is set to +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84
#' @param col_row columns and rows in output dataset. Defualt is set to c(4320,2160) 
#' @param extent output extent. Default is set to c(-180,-90,180,90)
#' @param output_format Format of output. Currently set to ENVI.
#' @param out_file Name of output file
#' @importFrom gdalUtilities gdalwarp gdal_translate
#' @author Kanishka Narayan (kanishka.narayan@pnnl.gov)
#' @export
project_raster<- function(input_file='input.tif',input_format=".tif",NO_DATA_STATUS=TRUE,method="average", no_data_value=127,
                            resolution="+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84",col_row=c(4320,2160),
  return(gdalwarp(input_file,out_file,r= method,
                  ot="Float32",t_srs=resolution, te= extent,ts=col_row, of=output_format, dstnodata = 0, a_nodata ="none"))

#' convert_file
#' Convert files to specific formats
#' @param inupt_file location of input file
#' @param output_format Format of output. Currently set to ENVI.
#' @param out_file Name of output file
#' @importFrom gdalUtilities gdalwarp gdal_translate
#' @author Kanishka Narayan (kanishka.narayan@pnnl.gov)
#' @export
convert_file <- function(inupt_file="input.tif",out_file="output.bil",output_format="ENVI"){
  return(gdal_translate(inupt_file,out_file, of = output_format))
JGCRI/rgis documentation built on July 27, 2023, 1:47 p.m.