GM_Stress_Space: Glycine max Stress Space Based on Affymetrix Soybean Genome...

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GM_Stress_Space spans a 6-dimension physiological space constructed from 11 different Soybean stress-response gene expression datasets from "Gene Expression Omnibus" (GEO).




A matrix with genes as rows and different physiological dimensions in columns. Gene Entrez IDs are stored in rownames and space-dimension names in colnames.


Here's the list of datasets used for making this Space: GSE18423, GSE18517, GSE18518, GSE22158, GSE29663, GSE32642, GSE40604, GSE50408, GSE51328, GSE51710, GSE55896

The difference between GM_Stress_Space and GM_Stress_Space_Detailed is that in GM_Stress_Space all stressed dimensions with the same stress type are summarized to make a universal axis for each stress type, while in the space of GM_Stress_Space_Detailed stress responses from different datasets have their own dedicated dimension.

Source[GSEXXXX] (Replace GSEXXXX by one of the actual dataset series names listed in 'Details' section.)

JRC-COMBINE/PlantPhysioSpace documentation built on Nov. 25, 2020, 8:01 a.m.