
Defines functions set_options

Documented in set_options

#' Set options for generating stimuli.
#' When the first function called in a generate pipeline, allows the user to set options that will be passed to all subsequent functions in the pipeline.
#' @param df The dataframe that will be used in the generate pipeline.
#' @param id_col A character vector specifying the column identifying unique observations (e.g. in `LexOPS::lexops`, the `id_col` is `"string"`). If the `id_col` is not found in `df`, LexOPS will use row numbers.
#' @param cond_col Prefix with which to name the columns where conditions will be stored (default = "LexOPS_splitCond"). Each time `split_by()` is run on a dataframe, a new cond_col is added to the data frame, e.g., the first time will add splitCond_A, the second time will add split_cond_B, etc. The default is usually sufficient.
#' @return Returns `df`, with the options stored in the attributes.
#' @examples
#' # give a df with "word" as the identifying column
#' lexops |>
#'   dplyr::rename(word = string) |>
#'   # tell LexOPS "word" is the identifying column
#'   set_options(id_col = "word") |>
#'   split_by(Syllables.CMU, 1:3 ~ 4:6 ~ 7:20) |>
#'   control_for(Zipf.SUBTLEX_UK, -0.2:0.2) |>
#'   generate(n = 20)
#' @export

set_options <- function(df, id_col = "string", cond_col = "LexOPS_splitCond"){

  # check not already a LexOPS_pipeline object
  if (is.LexOPS_pipeline(df)) {
    stop("`set_options()` must be the first function run in a generate pipeline")

  # check id_col is a character vector
  if (!is.character(id_col)) {
    stop("`id_col` must be a character vector")

  # check cond_col is a character vector
  if (!is.character(cond_col)) {
    stop("`cond_col` must be a character vector")

  # add the options to the info
  lp_info <- list()

  lp_info$options <- list(
    id_col = id_col,
    cond_col = cond_col

  lp <- as.LexOPS_pipeline(df)
  lp$info <- lp_info

  # return the pipeline object
JackEdTaylor/LexOPS documentation built on July 10, 2024, 6:40 a.m.