
Defines functions kappa mcc fScore f1Score specificity tnr tpr sensitivity recall npv precision ppv confusionMatrix mauc mlogLoss

Documented in confusionMatrix f1Score fScore kappa mauc mcc mlogLoss npv ppv precision recall sensitivity specificity tnr tpr

#' @useDynLib ModelMetrics
#' @importFrom Rcpp sourceCpp

#' Test data
#' @name testDF
#' @docType data

#' @title Multiclass Log Loss
#' @description Calculated the multi-class log loss
#' @param actual A vector of the labels. Can be \code{numeric, character, or factor}
#' @param predicted matrix of predicted values. Can be \code{matrix, data.frame}
#' @export

mlogLoss <- function(actual, predicted){

  if(any(class(actual) %in% c('factor', 'character'))){
    actual = as.numeric(as.factor(actual))
  if(any(class(predicted) %in% c('data.frame'))){
    predicted = as.matrix(predicted)

  eps <- 1e-15
  predicted = pmax(pmin(predicted, 1 - eps), eps)

  mlogLoss_(actual, predicted)

#' @title Multiclass Area Under the Curve
#' @description Calculates the area under the curve for a binary classifcation model
#' @param actual A vector of the labels. Can be \code{numeric, character, or factor}
#' @param predicted A data.frame of predicted values. Can be \code{matrix, data.frame}
#' @examples
#' setosa <- glm(I(Species == 'setosa') ~ Sepal.Length, data = iris, family = 'binomial')
#' versicolor <- glm(I(Species == 'versicolor') ~ Sepal.Length, data = iris, family = 'binomial')
#' virginica <- glm(I(Species == 'virginica') ~ Sepal.Length, data = iris, family = 'binomial')
#' Pred <-
#'   data.frame(
#'     setosa = predict(setosa, type = 'response')
#'     ,versicolor = predict(versicolor, type = 'response')
#'     ,virginica = predict(virginica, type = 'response')
#'   )
#' Predicted = Pred/rowSums(Pred)
#' Actual = iris$Species
#' mauc(Actual, Predicted)
#' @export

mauc <- function(actual, predicted){

  actual <- factor(actual)
  Data <- data.frame(predicted, actual)
  Outcomes <- length(unique(actual))

  simpleAUC <- function(x){
    # One-vs-all
    y1 = levels(Data$actual)[x]
    y  <- as.numeric(Data[, "actual"] == y1)
    prob <- Data[,x]
    AUCs <- auc(y, prob)

  AUCs <- sapply(1:Outcomes, simpleAUC)
  list(mauc = mean(AUCs), auc = AUCs)


#' @title Confusion Matrix
#' @description Create a confusion matrix given a specific cutoff.
#' @param actual A vector of the labels
#' @param predicted A vector of predicted values
#' @param cutoff A cutoff for the predicted values
#' @param use_names If \code{TRUE}, the dimnames of the output matrix will be labelled to indicate
#'   which axes show the actual and predicted classes.
#' @examples
#' actual <- c(0, 0, 1)
#' predicted <- c(1, 0, 1)
#' confusionMatrix(actual, predicted)
#' confusionMatrix(actual, predicted, use_names = TRUE)
#' @export

confusionMatrix <- function(actual, predicted, cutoff = .5, use_names = FALSE){
  confusionMatrix_(actual, predicted, cutoff, use_names)

#' @title Positive Predictive Value
#' @description True Positives / (True Positives + False Positives)
#' @aliases precision
#' @param actual A vector of the labels
#' @param predicted A vector of predicted values
#' @param cutoff A cutoff for the predicted values
#' @examples
#' data(testDF)
#' glmModel <- glm(y ~ ., data = testDF, family="binomial")
#' Preds <- predict(glmModel, type = 'response')
#' ppv(testDF$y, Preds, cutoff = 0)
#' precision(testDF$y, Preds, cutoff = 0)
#' @export

ppv <- function(actual, predicted, cutoff = .5){
  ppv_(actual, predicted, cutoff)

#' @export

precision <- function(actual, predicted, cutoff = .5){
  ppv_(actual, predicted, cutoff)

#' @title Negative Predictive Value
#' @description True Negatives / (True Negatives + False Negatives)
#' @param actual A vector of the labels
#' @param predicted A vector of predicted values
#' @param cutoff A cutoff for the predicted values
#' @examples
#' data(testDF)
#' glmModel <- glm(y ~ ., data = testDF, family="binomial")
#' Preds <- predict(glmModel, type = 'response')
#' npv(testDF$y, Preds, cutoff = 0)
#' @export

npv <- function(actual, predicted, cutoff = .5){
  npv_(actual, predicted, cutoff)

#' @title Recall, Sensitivity, tpr
#' @aliases sensitivity tpr
#' @description True Positives / (True Positives + False Negatives)
#' @param actual A vector of the labels
#' @param predicted A vector of predicted values
#' @param cutoff A cutoff for the predicted values
#' @examples
#' data(testDF)
#' glmModel <- glm(y ~ ., data = testDF, family="binomial")
#' Preds <- predict(glmModel, type = 'response')
#' recall(testDF$y, Preds, cutoff = 0)
#' sensitivity(testDF$y, Preds, cutoff = 0)
#' tpr(testDF$y, Preds, cutoff = 0)
#' @export

recall <- function(actual, predicted, cutoff = .5){
  recall_(actual, predicted, cutoff)

#' @export
sensitivity <- function(actual, predicted, cutoff = .5){
  recall_(actual, predicted, cutoff)

#' @export
tpr <- function(actual, predicted, cutoff = .5){
  recall_(actual, predicted, cutoff)

#' @title Specificity, True negative rate
#' @aliases specificity tnr
#' @description True Negatives / (True Negatives + False Positives)
#' @param actual A vector of the labels
#' @param predicted A vector of predicted values
#' @param cutoff A cutoff for the predicted values
#' @examples
#' data(testDF)
#' glmModel <- glm(y ~ ., data = testDF, family="binomial")
#' Preds <- predict(glmModel, type = 'response')
#' tnr(testDF$y, Preds, cutoff = 0)
#' specificity(testDF$y, Preds, cutoff = 0)
#' @export

tnr <- function(actual, predicted, cutoff = .5){
  tnr_(actual, predicted, cutoff)

#' @export
specificity <- function(actual, predicted, cutoff = .5){
  tnr_(actual, predicted, cutoff)

#' @title F1 Score
#' @description Calculates the f1 score
#' @param actual A vector of the labels
#' @param predicted A vector of predicted values
#' @param cutoff A cutoff for the predicted values
#' @export

f1Score <- function(actual, predicted, cutoff = .5){

  f1Score_(actual, predicted, cutoff)


#' @title F Score
#' @description Calculates the F score and allows different specifications of the beta value (F0.5)
#' @param actual A vector of the labels
#' @param predicted A vector of predicted values
#' @param cutoff A cutoff for the predicted values
#' @param beta the desired beta value (lower increases weight of precision over recall). Defaults to 1
#' @export

fScore <- function(actual, predicted, cutoff = .5, beta = 1){

  fScore_(actual, predicted, cutoff, beta)


#' @title Matthews Correlation Coefficient
#' @description Calculates the Matthews Correlation Coefficient
#' @param actual A vector of the labels
#' @param predicted A vector of predicted values
#' @param cutoff A cutoff for the predicted values
#' @export

mcc <- function(actual, predicted, cutoff){
  mcc_(actual, predicted, cutoff)

#' @title kappa statistic
#' @description Calculates kappa statistic. Currently build to handle binary values in \code{actual} vector.
#' @param actual A vector of the labels
#' @param predicted A vector of predicted values
#' @param cutoff A cutoff for the predicted values
#' @export

kappa <- function(actual, predicted, cutoff = .5){
  kappa_(actual, predicted, cutoff)
JackStat/ModelMetrics documentation built on July 6, 2021, 9:48 a.m.