Man pages for James-Thorson/VAST
Vector-Autoregressive Spatio-Temporal (VAST) Model

amend_outputAmend output from VAST for user convenience
apply_epsilonCustom epsilon-correct method
arrowtooth_trendsData to demonstrate and test decadal-trends model
bilinear_interpPlot vessel effects
Build_TMB_FnCopy of VAST::make_model
Calc_Anisotropic_MeshCopy of make_mesh
calc_coherenceCalculate stability metrics
calc_covCalculate covariance
Calc_Polygon_Areas_and_Polygons_FnCopy of calculate_knot_areas
calc_synchronyCalculate synchrony among species or locations
calculate_knot_areasCalculate areas and covariates for a given triangulated mesh
calculate_proportionCalculate the compositional-expansion
check_fitCheck fit for VAST model
CoherenceCalculate stability metrics
combine_extrapolation_infoCombines multiple extrapolation grids
combine_listsCombine lists
Convert_LL_to_EastNorth_FnConvert from Lat-Long to Eastings-Northings using WGS
Convert_LL_to_UTM_FnConvert from Lat-Long to UTM
convert_shapefileConvert shapefile to extrapolation-grid
convert_version_nameConvert string to semantic version number
Crossvalidate_FnK-fold crossvalidation
Data_FnCopy of VAST::make_data
Effect.fit_modelAdapts package 'effects'
fit_modelFit VAST to data
fit_tmbOptimize a TMB model
format_covariatesFormat habitat covariate matrix
Geostat_SimSimulate data
get_latest_versionDetermine latest version of VAST
GOA_pcod_covariate_exampleData to demonstrate and test covariate effects
goa_traitsData to demonstrate and test trait-based multispeces SDM
list_parametersList fixed and random effects
load_exampleLoad an example data set
make_covariatesFormat density covariate matrix
make_dataBuild data input for VAST model
make_extrapolation_infoBuild extrapolation grid
make_kmeansCalculate location for knots approximating spatial variation
make_mapCreate a tagged list to turn and off and mirror parameters
make_map_infoGet information for adequate mapping for regions
make_meshMake mesh for distances among points
make_modelBuild TMB object for VAST model
make_parametersCalculate parameter inputs for TMB
make_settingsMake list of settings
make_spatial_infoBuild objects related to spatial information
map_hypervariancePlot variance of GMRF knots
oneStepPredict_deltaModelCalculate one-step-ahead (OSA) residuals for a mixed-effects...
Param_FnCopy of make_parameters
plot_anisotropyPlot geometric anisotropy
plot_biomass_indexPlot index of abundance
plot_clustersPlot spatial clusters
plot_covPlot covariance matrix
plot_dataPlot location of sampling data
plot_dharmaPlot DHARMa residuals
plot_encounter_diagnosticCheck predicted encounter probability against observed...
Plot_factorsCopy of plot_factors
plot.fit_modelPrint parameter estimates
plot_indexPlot an index
plot_legendPlot standard maps
plot_loadingsPlotting loadings matrix
plot.make_extrapolation_infoPlot extrapolation-grid
plot.make_spatial_infoPlot spatial information
PlotMap_FnPlot maps with areal results
plot_mapsPlot standard maps
Plot_OverdispersionCopy of plot_overdispersion
plot_quantile_diagnosticDiagnostic QQ function
plot_quantile_residualsPlot quantile residuals on map
plot_range_edgePlot shifts in range edges
plot_range_indexPlot shifts in distribution and area occupied
plot_residualsPlot Pearson residuals on map
plot_residual_semivariancePlot semivariance for quantile residuals
plot_resultsPlot results
plot_similarityPlot similarity resulting from estimated covariance
plot_timeseriesPlot timeseries estimates
plot_variablePlot results on a multi-panel figure of maps
pollock_cohortsData to demonstrate and test cohort effects in age-structured...
predict.fit_modelPredict density for new samples (_Beta version; may change...
print.fit_modelPrint parameter estimates
print.make_dataPrint data
print.make_extrapolation_infoExtract extrapolation-grid
print.make_modelPrint model object
print.make_spatial_infoPrint spatial information
project_coordinatesConvert from Lat-Long to UTM
project_modelProject a fitted VAST model forward in time
reload_modelReload a VAST model
Rerun_FnExplore counter-factual scenario
rotate_factorsRotate results
sample_variableSample from predictive distribution of a variable
simulate_dataSimulate new dynamics and sampling data
smallPlotInset small plot within figure
stream_network_eel_exampleData to demonstrate and test stream-network options
strip_unitsRemove units from object
Summarize_CovarianceCopy of summarize_covariance
summary.fit_modelExtract summary of spatial estimates
TMBAICCalculate marginal AIC for a fitted model
VASTVector Autoregressive Spatio-Temporal Model
James-Thorson/VAST documentation built on Feb. 9, 2025, 9:05 a.m.