#' UI of Dot plot
#' @param id, character used to specify namespace,
#' see \code{shiny::\link[shiny]{NS}}
#' @return a \code{shiny::\link[shiny]{tagList}} containing UI element
#' @export
dotplot_ui <- function(id, panel_names) {
ns <- shiny::NS(id)
shiny::fluidRow(align = 'center',
inputId = ns("panel_name"),
label = "Select panel:",
choices = panel_names,
selected = panel_names[1],
inline = TRUE
width = "100%",
click = shiny::hoverOpts(id = ns("dotplot_click"))),
shiny::actionButton(ns("dotplot_options_button"), "Plot options"),
shinyBS::bsModal(ns("dotplot_options"), "Plot options", ns("dotplot_options_button"), size = "large",
shiny::sliderInput(ns("hjust"), "horizontal justification:", min = 0, max = 1, value = 0.5),
shiny::sliderInput(ns("vjust"), "vertical justification:", min = 0, max = 1, value = 0.5),
shiny::sliderInput(ns("xAngle"), "x-axis text angle:", min = 0, max = 180, value = 0),
shiny::sliderInput(ns("xSize"), "x-axis text size:", min = 5, max = 20, value = 7),
shiny::sliderInput(ns("ySize"), "y-axis text size:", min = 5, max = 20, value = 7)
#' Reactive values for dotplot_server module server-side processing
#' @param input, output, session standard \code{shiny}
#' @return list with following components
#' \describe{
#' \item{xAngle}{reactive number indicating the angle to rotate the x-axis}
#' \item{hjust}{reactive number between 0 and 1 indicating horizontal justification}
#' \item{vjust}{reactive number between 0 and 1 indicating vertical justification}
#' \item{xSize}{reactive number indicating the size of the x-axis label}
#' \item{ySize}{reactive number indicating the size of the x-axis label}
#' }
#' @export
dotplot_ui_vars <- function(input, output, session) {
panel_name = shiny::reactive({
xAngle = shiny::reactive({
hjust = shiny::reactive({
vjust = shiny::reactive({
xSize = shiny::reactive({
ySize = shiny::reactive({
dotplot_click = shiny::reactive({
#' Dot plot module server-side processings
#' This module produces the pvalue heatmap
#' @param input,output,session standard \code{shiny} boilerplate
#' @param demo data frame with metadata
#' @param pcs data frame containing principal components
#' @export
dotplot_server <- function(input, output, session, data, dotplot_ui_vars) {
output$dotplot <- shiny::renderPlot({
filter(data, panel == dotplot_ui_vars$panel_name()) %>%
ggplot2::ggplot(aes(x = features, y = coef, color = panel)) + geom_point(size = 5) +
ggplot2::geom_segment(aes(xend = features, color = panel), yend = 0, size = 1) +
ggplot2::ylab("Variable importance") +
ggplot2::theme_classic() +
ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "none") +
ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(angle = dotplot_ui_vars$xAngle(),
hjust = dotplot_ui_vars$hjust(),
vjust = dotplot_ui_vars$vjust(),
size = dotplot_ui_vars$xSize()),
axis.text.y = ggplot2::element_text(size = dotplot_ui_vars$ySize()))
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For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.