
Defines functions fail_ltfu fail_ltfu.default

Documented in fail_ltfu fail_ltfu.default

#' Fail - LTFU 
#' This function detects whether a record diagnosed with DR-TB
#' should receive a failure outcome due to fulfilling the criteria for loss to follow-up.
#' @param adm data frame of individual patient admission records cleaned 
#' with `tbcleanr`.
#' @param adhere data frame of individual patient follow-up data including
#' monthly drug-specific adherence data cleaned by `tbcleanr::adhere_cleanr()`
#' @author Jay Achar
#' @seealso \code{\link{tbgeneratr}}
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that

fail_ltfu <- function(adm,
                      adhere) {
  # check args
  UseMethod("fail_ltfu", adm)

#' Fail - LTFU
#' @inheritParams fail_ltfu
#' @author Jay Achar
#' @seealso \code{\link{tbgeneratr}}

fail_ltfu.default <- function(adm, adhere) {
  message("No object class detected: fail_ltfu() not applied.")
JayAchar/tbgeneratr documentation built on Oct. 13, 2019, 1:47 a.m.