
lazfile    <- system.file("extdata", "example.las", package = "rlas")
las        <- read.las(lazfile)
header     <- read.lasheader(lazfile)
write_path <- tempfile(fileext = ".las")

# "write.las writes a correct file",{

write.las(write_path, header, las)

wlas    <- read.las(write_path)
wheader <- read.lasheader(write_path)

expect_equal(las, wlas)
expect_equal(header$`Variable Length Records`, wheader$`Variable Length Records`)

# "UUID is properly written",{

uuid <- "13d5cf87-ee3b-43d5-bbf1-c33a3cda5948"
new_header <- header
new_header[["Project ID - GUID"]] <- uuid

write.las(write_path, new_header, las)
wheader <- read.lasheader(write_path)

expect_equal(wheader[["Project ID - GUID"]], uuid)

# "write.las does not write time if point format enforced to 0",{

new_header <- header
new_header[["Point Data Format ID"]] <- 0L

expect_warning(write.las(write_path, new_header, las), "gpstime")

wlas    <- read.las(write_path)
wheader <- read.lasheader(write_path)

expect_true(!"gpstime" %in% names(wlas))
expect_equal(new_header[["Point Data Format ID"]], 0L)

lazfile    <- system.file("extdata", "extra_byte.las", package = "rlas")
las        <- read.las(lazfile)
header     <- read.lasheader(lazfile)
write_path <- tempfile(fileext = ".las")

# "write.las writes Extra Bytes correctly",{

write.las(write_path, header, las)
wlas    <- read.las(write_path)
wheader <- read.lasheader(write_path)

eb1 <- wheader[["Variable Length Records"]][["Extra_Bytes"]]
eb2 <- header[["Variable Length Records"]][["Extra_Bytes"]]
eb1[["reserved"]] <- NULL
eb2[["reserved"]] <- NULL
eb1[["description"]] <- NULL
eb2[["description"]] <- NULL

expect_equal(eb1, eb2)
expect_equal(las, wlas)
expect_equal(length(header), length(wheader))
expect_equal(length(header$`Variable Length Records`$GeoKeyDirectoryTag), length(wheader$`Variable Length Records`$GeoKeyDirectoryTag))
expect_equal(length(header$`Variable Length Records`$GeoAsciiParamsTag), length(wheader$`Variable Length Records`$GeoAsciiParamsTag))
expect_equal(header$`Variable Length Records`$GeoAsciiParamsTag$tags, wheader$`Variable Length Records`$GeoAsciiParamsTag$tags)

# "write.las skips extra bytes if empty VLR", {

new_header <- header
new_header[["Variable Length Records"]] <- list()

write.las(write_path, new_header, las)
wlas    <- read.las(write_path)
wheader <- read.lasheader(write_path)

expect_true(!any(c("Amplitude", "Pulse width") %in% names(wlas)))
expect_equal(wlas, las[, -c(17:18)])
expect_equal(length(wheader[["Variable Length Records"]]), 0L)

# "write.las skips selectively extra bytes if missing VLR",{

new_header <- header
new_header[["Variable Length Records"]][["Extra_Bytes"]][["Extra Bytes Description"]][["Amplitude"]] <- NULL

write.las(write_path, new_header, las)

wlas    <- read.las(write_path)
wheader <- read.lasheader(write_path)

expect_true(!"Amplitude" %in% names(wlas))
expect_equal(wlas, las[, -c(17)])

if ( !(identical(Sys.getenv("NOT_CRAN"), "true") || (isTRUE(unname(["user"]) == "jr"))) ) exit_file("Skip on CRAN")

# write.las writes LAS 1.4
new_header <- header
new_header[["Version Minor"]] <- 4L
new_header[["Header Size"]]   <- 375L

write.las(write_path, new_header, las)

wlas    <- read.las(write_path)
wheader <- read.lasheader(write_path)

expect_equal(wheader[["Version Minor"]], 4L)
expect_equal(length(wheader[["Number of points by return"]]), 15)
expect_equal(las, wlas)

# "write.las writes LAS 1.4 point format 6"
new_header <- header
new_header[["Version Minor"]] <- 4L
new_header[["Point Data Format ID"]] <- 6L
new_header[["Header Size"]] <- 375L

las$Overlap_flag <- TRUE
las$ScannerChannel <- 1L

colnames(las)[colnames(las) == "ScanAngleRank"] <- "ScanAngle"
las <- data.table::setcolorder(las, c("X", "Y", "Z", "gpstime", "Intensity", "ReturnNumber", "NumberOfReturns",
                                 "ScanDirectionFlag", "EdgeOfFlightline", "Classification", "ScannerChannel",
                                 "Synthetic_flag", "Keypoint_flag", "Withheld_flag", "Overlap_flag",
                                 "ScanAngle", "UserData", "PointSourceID", "Amplitude", "Pulse width"))

write.las(write_path, new_header, las)

wlas    <- read.las(write_path)
wheader <- read.lasheader(write_path)

expect_equal(wheader[["Version Minor"]], 4L)
expect_equal(length(wheader[["Number of points by return"]]), 15)
expect_equal(las, wlas, tolerance = 0.00015)
Jean-Romain/rlas documentation built on April 17, 2024, 1:25 p.m.