
#' Perform the random thinning test
#' @param ts A time-series (a numeric vector)
#' @param its Indices of which bin the values of x correspond to (a numeric vector of integers between 1 and p). This is optional, and taken to be cyclical by default.
#' @param fr Which fractions to consider discarding (a numeric vector, with values between 0 and 1, although it is best if they are kept between between 0.001 and 0.2)
#' @param p Length of the period to test for (a positive integer)
#' @param n Number of resamples to use in the random thinning test (a positive integer)
#' @param alpha P-value threshold to use when calculating the power (a positive scalar between 0 and 1, although it is recommended to be around 0.05)
#' @param returnExtraInfo Logical value - if \code{TRUE}, the function will return extra information (the value of the range test statistic, the mean per bin, the departures within each bin from the mean value, and a confidence interval on the p-value). If \code{FALSE}, only the p-value is returned.
#' @return This depends on the value of \code{returnExtraInfo}:
#'  - if \code{returnExtraInfo} is \code{FALSE} (the default), the function returns the p-value only
#'  - if \code{returnExtraInfo} is \code{TRUE}, the function returns a list with the p-value, the value of the range test statistic, the mean per bin, the departures within each bin from the mean value, and a confidence interval on the p-value
#' @examples
#' ## Generate a random time-series:
#' ##  - length = 1000
#' ##  - signal period = 8
#' ##  - signal to noise ratio = 0.2
#' set.seed(42)
#' x <- rep(rnorm(8)*0.2,length.out = 1000) + rnorm(1000)
#' randomThinningTest(ts = x, p = 8, n = 1000,
#'                    fr = 0.025, returnExtraInfo = TRUE)
#' ## compare with periods either too short or too long:
#' randomThinningTest(ts = x, p = 7, n = 1000, fr = 0.025)
#' randomThinningTest(ts = x, p = 9, n = 1000, fr = 0.025)
#' @export
#' @importFrom Rcpp evalCpp
#' @useDynLib RandomThinning

randomThinningTest <- function(ts, its = NULL, fr = 0.05, p = 5, n = 1000,
                               alpha = 0.05, returnExtraInfo = FALSE){

    m <- length(ts)
        its <- ((0:(m-1)) %% p)
    } else {
        if(min(its) == 1){
            its <- its - 1
    Nkeep <- floor(m*(1-fr))
    Ndiscard <- m - Nkeep
    MCstatistics <- rep(0.0,n)
    TS <- ts[is.finite(ts)]
    ITS <- its[is.finite(ts)]
    ikeep <- ITS[1:Nkeep]
    for(i in 1:n){
        idiscard <- sample.int(m, Ndiscard, FALSE)
        keep <- TS[-idiscard]
        MCstatistics[i] <- rangeTestFinitesOnly(ts = keep, its  = ikeep, p = p)
    stats <- rangeTestGeneral(ts = TS, its = ITS, p = p)
    Nabove = sum(MCstatistics >= stats$range)
    phat = Nabove/n
        CI <- binom.test(Nabove, n, conf.level = 1.0 - alpha)
        return(list(p = phat,
                    stat = stats$range,
                    prof = stats$means,
                    resid = stats$means - mean(ts,na.rm=TRUE),
                    CI = CI))
    } else {
JeremySilver/RandomThinning documentation built on May 30, 2019, 9:40 p.m.