Man pages for JhuangLab/ngstk
Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) Data Analysis Toolkit

batch_fileProcess the input file a batch of one batch
format_filenamesFunction to format filenames that can be used to unify the...
format_pp_meta_ageTo format ProteinPaint input meta data of age
format_pp_meta_fusionsTo format ProteinPaint input meta data of gender
format_pp_meta_genderTo format ProteinPaint input meta data of gender
fusions2oncoprinterFunction to convert fusion data to cbioportal Oncoprinter...
fusions2ppFunction to convert fusion data to ProteinPaint format.
fusions2pp_metaFunction to convert fusion data to ProteinPaint heatmap meta...
fusions_filterFusions handler_data filter that can be used to prepare the...
get_files_ctimeFunction to check file create time and according the...
get_files_mtimeFunction to check file last change time and according the...
get_pp_samplegroupFunction to get samplegroup file that can be pass to...
get_split_seqsFunction to calculate the split regions by sections and total...
make_optionFunctions to enable our OptionParser to recognize specific...
merge_table_filesUtil function to merge multiple table files.
muts2mutation_mapperFunction to convert mutation data to cbioportal...
muts2oncoprinterFunction to convert mutation data to cbioportal Oncoprinter...
muts2ppFunction to convert mutation data to ProteinPaint format.
ngstkngstk can be used to facilitate the analysis of NGS data,...
opt_parserA function to create an instance of a parser object with...
par_downloadFunction to download multiple file at the same time.
parse_argsParse command line options (optparse).
parse_args2Parse command line options.
print_helpPrinting an usage message from an OptionParser object
rbinFunction to generate executable files for R package
set_colorsFunction to get a series defined theme colors
set_toolsFunction to generate tools path object
show_handlersFunction to show all avaliabe handler function
show_mhandlersFunction to show all avaliabe mhandler function
split_col_dataData split function by colum
split_listFunction to split list
split_row_dataData split function by row
split_row_fileFunction to split big file to a series small files (by row)
time_stampFunction to generate time stamp in the files name or...
JhuangLab/ngstk documentation built on May 28, 2019, 12:43 p.m.