
Defines functions hybridRecursive

Documented in hybridRecursive

#' hybridRecursive trimming procedure.
#' \code{hybridRecursive} takes a data frame of RT data and returns trimmed rt
#' data. The returned value is the average returned from the nonRecursive
#' and the modifiedRecursive procedures  as described in van Selst &
#' Jolicoeur (1994).
#' @param data A data frame with columns containing: participant identification
#' number ('pptVar'); condition identification, if applicable ('condVar');
#' response time data ('rtVar'); and accuracy ('accVar'). The RT can be in
#' seconds (e.g., 0.654) or milliseconds (e.g., 654). Typically, "condition"
#' will consist of strings. Accuracy must be coded as 1 for correct and 0 for
#' error responses.
#' @param minRT The lower criteria for acceptable response time. Must be in
#' the same form as rt column in data frame (e.g., in seconds OR milliseconds).
#' All RTs below this value are removed before proceeding with SD trimming.
#' @param pptVar The quoted name of the column in the data that identifies
#' participants.
#' @param condVar The quoted name of the column in the data that includes the
#' conditions.
#' @param rtVar The quoted name of the column in the data containing reaction
#' times.
#' @param accVar The quoted name of the column in the data containing accuracy,
#' coded as 0 or 1 for incorrect and correct trial, respectively.
#' @param omitErrors If set to TRUE, error trials will be removed before
#' conducting trimming procedure. Final data returned will not be influenced
#' by errors in this case.
#' @param digits How many decimal places to round to after trimming?
#' @references Van Selst, M. & Jolicoeur, P. (1994). A solution to the effect
#' of sample size on outlier elimination. \emph{Quarterly Journal of Experimental
#' Psychology, 47} (A), 631-650.
#' @examples
#' # load the example data that ships with trimr
#' data(exampleData)
#' # perform the trimming, returning mean RT
#' trimmedData <- hybridRecursive(data = exampleData, minRT = 150)
#' @importFrom stats sd
#' @export
hybridRecursive <- function(data,
                            pptVar = "participant",
                            condVar = "condition",
                            rtVar = "rt",
                            accVar = "accuracy",
                            omitErrors = TRUE,
                            digits = 3) {

  # remove errors if the user has asked for it
  if(omitErrors == TRUE){
    trimmedData <- data[data[[accVar]] == 1, ]
  } else {
    trimmedData <- data

  # get the list of participant numbers
  participant <- unique(data[[pptVar]])

  # get the list of experimental conditions
  conditionList <- unique(data[, condVar])

  # trim the data
  trimmedData <- trimmedData[trimmedData[[rtVar]] > minRT, ]

  # ready the final data set
  # make a df here to preserve ppt column
  finalData <- as.data.frame(matrix(0, nrow = length(participant),
                                    ncol = length(conditionList)))

  # give the columns the condition names
  colnames(finalData) <- conditionList

  # add the participant column
  finalData <- cbind(participant, finalData)

  # intialise looping variable for subjects
  i <- 1

  # loop over all subjects
  for(currSub in participant){

    # intialise looping variable for conditions. It starts at 2 because the
    # first column in the data file containing condition information is the
    # second one.
    j <- 2

    # loop over all conditions
    for(currCond in conditionList){

      # get the relevant data
      tempData <- trimmedData[trimmedData[[pptVar]] == currSub &
                                trimmedData[[condVar]] == currCond, ]

      # get the nonRecursive mean
      nonR <- nonRecursiveTrim(tempData[[rtVar]], returnType = "mean")

      # get the modifiedRecursive mean
      modR <- modifiedRecursiveTrim(tempData[[rtVar]], returnType = "mean")

      # find the average, and add to the data frame
      finalData[i, j] <- round(mean(c(nonR, modR)), digits = digits)

      # update condition loop counter
      j <- j + 1

    # update participant loop counter
    i <- i + 1
JimGrange/trimr documentation built on May 5, 2022, 6:41 a.m.