
# All the code related to the sparsity extension lives in this file.
# The style is a little different because it is a lot newer than all
# the other R code and I've since read the Adv. R style guide.

#' Soft-thresholding operator.
#' The soft-thresholding operator S_\\lambda(x) = sign(x)(abs(x) - \\lambda)_+
#' @param x the vector/matrix of values to be soft thresholded
#' @param threshold the threshold lambda
soft_threshold <- function(x, threshold) {
  pmax(abs(x)-threshold, 0)*sign(x)

w_coord_desc <- function(Xc, l, m, W, sigSq, colVmag, RtV, K, b, Kinv=NULL) {
  stopifnot(l <= ncol(W)) # l \leq k
  stopifnot(m <= nrow(W)) # m \leq d

  if (is.null(Kinv)) Kinv <- solve(K)

  # Update w_{lm}
      RtV[m,l] - sigSq*Kinv[m,-m]%*%W[-m,l]
    ), sigSq/b) / (colVmag[l] + sigSq*Kinv[m,m])

#' Density of the Laplace distribution
#' Returns the density Laplace(x | \\mu, b)
#' @param x vector of quantiles
#' @param mu location, scalar
#' @param b scale, positive
#' @param logarithm logical; if TRUE, probabilities p are given as log(p)
#' @export
dlaplace <- function(x, mu=0, b=1, logarithm=FALSE) {
  val <- -abs(x - mu)/b - log(2*b)
  if (!logarithm) {val <- exp(val)}

#' The *un-normalised* prior over W, sigma^2 in SpStPCA. A product of
#' the proper, un-normalised p(W | \\beta), and the improper p(sigma^2).
#' @param K Prior covariance matrix
#' @param W Loadings matrix
#' @param sigSq variance of noise added to 'signal' Wv_i
#' @param b Variance on Laplace part of prior
#' @return un-normalised log prior over W
#' @export
log_sparse_prior <- function(K, W, sigSq, b) {
  return(log_sparse_prior_W(K, W, b) + log_prior_sigSq(sigSq))

#' The *un-normalised* prior over W in SpStPCA. This is a product of
#' the StPCA Gaussian prior and an iid Laplace prior.
#' p(W | \\beta, b) = \\prod^k_{i=1} N(w_i | 0, K) *
#'                  \\prod^{d}_{i=1} \\prod^{k}_{j=1} Laplace(W_ij | 0, b)
#' @param K Prior covariance matrix
#' @param W Loadings matrix
#' @param b Variance on Laplace part of prior
#' @return un-normalised log prior over W
#' @export
log_sparse_prior_W <- function(K, W, b) {
  W <- Matrix(W)
  stopifnot(nrow(K) == ncol(K))
  stopifnot(nrow(W) >= ncol(W))

  stopifnot(nrow(W) >= ncol(W))
  normPart <- log_prior_W(K, W)
  laplacePart <- sum(dlaplace(W, b=b, logarithm=TRUE))
  return(normPart + laplacePart)
JimSkinner/spca documentation built on May 7, 2019, 10:52 a.m.