Trolley: Experimental data on ethical dilemmas

Description Usage Format References


These data comprise outcomes of experimental ethical dilemmas that are often called 'trolley' problems. Data kindly provided by Fiery Cushman.




  1. case: a code that combines treatment and story labels

  2. response: participant's rating of appropriateness of action in story

  3. order: integer order story appeared, within participant

  4. id: participant id (factor)

  5. age: participant's age in years

  6. male: participant's gender; 1 for male, 0 for female

  7. edu: participant's highest educational level

  8. action: treatment code for story with action (1) or inaction (0)

  9. intention: treatment code for intent (1) or lack of intent (0)

  10. contact: treatmetn code for contact action (1) or lack of contact (0)

  11. story: factor label for basic scenario modified by treatments

  12. action2: alternative coding of action that is union of action and contact variables


Cushman et al. 2006. Psychological Science 17:1082–1089.

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