UFClefties: Ultimate Fighting Championship matches

Description Usage Format References


Outcomes of televised Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) matches, as a function of handedness of fighters. Data coded by Pollet et al (2013).




  1. fight : Unique identifier for match

  2. episode : Identifier for UFC episode

  3. fight.in.episiode : Order of fight in episode

  4. fighter1.win : 1 if fighter 1 won the match; 0 if fight 2 won

  5. fighter1 : Unique identifier for fighter 1

  6. fighter2 : Unique identifier for fighter 2

  7. fighter1.lefty : 1 if fighter 1 was left handed; 0 otherwise

  8. fighter2.lefty : 1 if fighter 2 was left handed; 0 otherwise


Pollet et al. 2013. Animal Behaviour 86:839–843.

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