WaffleDivorce: Waffle House and marriage statistics

Description Usage Format References


Data for the individual States of the United States, describing number of Waffle House diners and various marriage and demographic facts.




  1. Location : State name

  2. Loc : State abbreviation

  3. Population : 2010 population in millions

  4. MedianAgeMarriage: 2005-2010 median age at marriage

  5. Marriage : 2009 marriage rate per 1000 adults

  6. Marriage.SE : Standard error of rate

  7. Divorce : 2009 divorce rate per 1000 adults

  8. Divorce.SE : Standard error of rate

  9. WaffleHouses : Number of diners

  10. South : 1 indicates Southern State

  11. Slaves1860 : Number of slaves in 1860 census

  12. Population1860 : Population from 1860 census

  13. PropSlaves1860 : Proportion of total population that were slaves in 1860


1860 census data from http://mapserver.lib.virginia.edu. Marriage and divorce rates from 2009 American Community Survey (ACS). Waffle House density data from wafflehouse.com (retrieved January 2012).

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