
calcRingWidth <- function(ring.data, seriesID)
  rd.attr <- attributes(ring.data)
  x.dpi <- rd.attr$x.dpi
  dp <- x.dpi/25.4
  incline <- rd.attr$incline
  sample.yr <- rd.attr$sample.yr
  path.dis <- rd.attr$path.dis
  bor.u <- rd.attr$bor.u
  bor.l <- rd.attr$bor.l
  bor.col <- rd.attr$bor.col
  if (!incline) {
    bx <- sort(bor.col)
    lenbx <- length(bx)
    if (lenbx <= 1)
      stop('A minimum of two ring borders on each path ',
           'was required to generate a ring-width series')
    diff.col.num <- diff(bx)
    rw <- round(diff.col.num / dp, 2)
    years <- (sample.yr - 1):(sample.yr - lenbx + 1)
    df.rw <- data.frame(rw)
  } else {
    bx.up <- bor.u
    lenup <- length(bx.up)
    if (lenup <= 1)
      stop('A minimum of two ring borders on each path ',
        'was required to generate a ring-width series')
    diff.col.num.up <- diff(bx.up)
    bx.lower <- bor.l
    lenlo <- length(bx.lower)
    if (lenlo <= 1)
      stop('A minimum of two ring borders on each path ',
        'was required to generate a ring-width series')
    diff.col.num.lower <- diff(bx.lower)
    if (lenlo != lenup)
      stop("If incline = TRUE, the upper and lower paths ", 
           "should have the same number of ring borders")
    years <- (sample.yr - 1):(sample.yr - lenup + 1)
    mean.bor <- (diff.col.num.lower + diff.col.num.up) / 2
    x.cor <- abs(bx.lower - bx.up)
    x.cor <- x.cor[-length(x.cor)]
    correct.rw <- mean.bor * cos(atan(x.cor / (dp * path.dis)))
    correct.rw <- round(correct.rw / dp, 2)
    df.rw <- data.frame(correct.rw)
  rownames(df.rw) <- years
  colnames(df.rw) <- seriesID
JingningShi/GifRepo documentation built on May 14, 2019, 10:59 p.m.