
#' Performs data acquisition from local file
#' @param file [character] (**required**): Path or file to be imported.
#' @param timestamp [logical] (**optional**): Is a timestamp available in the data?
#' @examples
#' ##=====================================
#' ## Example 1: read data from local file
#' ##=====================================
#' file <- system.file("extdata", "short_y_impulse.csv", package="HypeRIMU")
#' data <- execute_file(file, timestamp = TRUE)
#' @md
#' @export

execute_file <- function(file, timestamp = FALSE) {


    stop("[execute_file()] Argument 'file' is missing", call. = FALSE)

  if(class(file) != "character")
    stop("[execute_file()] Argument 'file' has to be of type character", call. = FALSE)

  if(class(timestamp) != "logical")
    stop("[execute_file()] Argument 'timestamp' has to be of type logical",  call. = FALSE)

  ## Read data
  sensor_data_all <- read.csv(file = file,
                              skip = 3)

  ##check if timestamp = FALSE, but data suggest to have one:
  if(!timestamp && (ncol(sensor_data_all) %% 3 == 1)){
    cat("\n[execute_file()]: ")
    cat("Timestamp detected. Used first coloumn as timestamp.\n")
    timestamp <- TRUE


  if(timestamp && ncol(sensor_data_all) %% 3 != 1){
    cat("\n[execute_file()]: ")
    cat("No timestamp detected, but argument 'timestamp = TRUE`. Set to 'FALSE'.\n")
    timestamp <- FALSE


    ## Extract sampling time from file (is in the second line)
    samplingTime <- readLines(con = file, n = 2)[2] %>%
      strsplit(" ") %>%
      unlist() %>%

    samplingTime <- gsub("[^0-9]", "", samplingTime) %>%

    sensor_data_all$timestamp <- seq(0, (nrow(sensor_data_all) - 1)*samplingTime, samplingTime)
  } else { # convert from UNIX time
    sensor_data_all[,1] <- as.POSIXct(sensor_data_all$timestamp/1000, origin = "1970-01-01")

JohannesFriedrich/HypeRIMU documentation built on May 14, 2019, 2:39 p.m.