Man pages for JohnMengChun/ceRNAmiRNAfun
A package of creating an algorithm of identifying microRNA-competing endogenous RNA triplets

ceRNAmiRNAfunceRNAmiRNAfun: An analysis R package to find out miRNA and...
Datalist_sliding_wcalculate correlation coefficients with ceRNAs of a miRNA by...
dictionaryA list with information of miRNAs and corresponding genes
gene_samgene expression data about lung cancer
miRhubgenesort the information to find out the triplets.
miRhubgeneplotsort the information to find out the triplets and plot the...
mirna_sammiRNA expression data about lung cancer
miRNA_totalA list with information of miRNAs
Realdataa list of dataframe formats with correlation coefficients of...
Result_TCGA_LUSCa list of dataframe formats with miRNA, candidate ceRNAs,and...
segcluster_peakmergedo the segment clustering and peak merging to get specific...
JohnMengChun/ceRNAmiRNAfun documentation built on May 31, 2019, 5:09 p.m.