
Defines functions NetworkStats

Documented in NetworkStats

#' NetworkStats
#' Creates summary statistics of the network
#' The function takes a graph and returns a set of common summary graph statistics to understand the graph topology.
#' These statistics are, number of node, number of edges, number of components, Betweeness, Mean Degree, Assortivity, Clustering, and Mean Distance.
#' @param g An igraph object
#' @param colname A character string. The desired name of the output statistic column. the default is "value"
#' @export

NetworkStats <- function(g, colname = "value"){
  dplyr::tibble(Metric = c("Nodes", "Edges", "Components" ,"Betweenness", "Degree", "Assortativity", "Clustering", "Distance"),
             value = c(igraph::vcount(g), igraph::ecount(g), igraph::components(g)$no, mean(igraph::betweenness(g)),mean(igraph::degree(g)), igraph::assortativity(g, igraph::degree(g)),
                       igraph::transitivity(g), igraph::mean_distance(g, directed = F))
  ) %>% stats::setNames(c("Metric", colname))

  #This takes forever maybe should replace with *distances* or something else? and custome electrical distance function
  #  mean( ifelse(is.finite(igraph::shortest.paths(g)),igraph::shortest.paths(g), NA), na.rm = T)
JonnoB/PowerGridNetworking documentation built on Aug. 7, 2021, 3:04 a.m.