
Defines functions SaveMultiAttacks

Documented in SaveMultiAttacks

#' Save attack simulations to folder
#'When creating many attack simulations it can be conveniant to save the resulting graphs to a folder
#'    so that re-runs are not required if further analysis is needed. This function saves the
#'    results of AttackTheGrid, and also allows the process to be interrupted.
#'    When the process is started again after and interuption the function finds the last
#'    save attack and starts the simulation process from there.
#' @param g An igraph object representing a power grid.
#' @param AttackVectors A dataframe. This is the output of the MultiAttackOrder function. If you expect.
#'    to interrupt the function this dataframe should be saved or the random seed used to generate the dataset
#'    recorded.
#' @param folder the folder data will be saved to.
#' @param MinMaxComp See AttackTheGrid. Default is 0
#' @param TotalAttackRounds See AttackTheGrid. Default is 10
#' @param CascadeMode See AttackTheGrid. Default is set to FALSE
#' @param Demand the name of the node Load variable. A character string.
#' @param Generation the name of the node generation variable. A character string.
#' @param EdgeName the variable that holds the edge names, a character string.
#' @param VertexName the variable that holds the names of the nodes, to identify the slack ref. a character string
#' @param Net_generation the name that the net generation data for each node is held in
#' @param Target whether nodes or edges are being attacked
#' @keywords multi-attack,
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{attack_the_grid}}, \code{\link{MultiAttackOrder}}
#' @examples
#' SaveMultiAttacks(g, AttackVectors, folder, CascadeMode = F)

SaveMultiAttacks <-  function(g, AttackVectors,
                              MinMaxComp = 0,
                              TotalAttackRounds = 10,
                              CascadeMode = FALSE,
                              Demand = "Demand",
                              Generation = "Generation",
                              EdgeName = "Link",
                              VertexName = "name",
                              Net_generation = "BalencedPower",
                              Target = "Nodes"){

  #set working directory
  print("Calculating first simulation")
  TimeAtFirstSimulation <- Sys.time()
  for (i in 1:nrow(AttackVectors)) {
    #walk was used previously but it created a crash.
    #The crash would happen approx every 30 simulations
    #I can't replicate the crash using dummy data so am leaving it.

    NextSim <- NextAttackSimulation(AttackVectors, folder)

    if (NextSim=="Simulation_ID_Inf") break #Stops function making error on last iteration

    #Does not appear to actually print the next node
    #print(paste("Next target is", NextSim))

    Name <- ifelse(Target == "Nodes", VertexName, EdgeName)

    DeletionOrder <- GenerateAttackOrder(AttackVectors, folder)

    FixedNodes <- dplyr::quo(FixedStrategyAttack(g, DeletionOrder, Target, Name))
    T1 <- Sys.time()
    #suppres attack the grid messages
    AttackSeries <-AttackTheGrid_List(g = g,
                                                  AttackStrategy = FixedNodes,
                                                  referenceGrid = NULL,
                                                  Demand = Demand,
                                                  Generation = Generation,
                                                  EdgeName = EdgeName,
                                                  VertexName = VertexName,
                                                  Net_generation = Net_generation)

    saveRDS(AttackSeries, file = file.path(folder, paste0(NextSim, ".rds")))
    #Sort out time stuff
    T2 <- Sys.time()
    SimulationRoundTime <- round(difftime(T2, T1, units = "mins" ))
    TimeToCompletion <- (difftime(T2, TimeAtFirstSimulation)/i)*(nrow(AttackVectors)-i)
    ExpectedCompletionTime<- T2 + TimeToCompletion
    TimeUnit<- ifelse(as.numeric(TimeToCompletion, units= "hours")<1, "mins", "hours")

    print(paste("Time taken for simulation", i, "is",
                SimulationRoundTime ,
                "minutes. Est time to completion",
                round(as.numeric(TimeToCompletion, units = TimeUnit)), #
                "Est completion time is",
  TimeAtLastSimulation <- Sys.time()

  print(paste("Time taken for all simulations is", round(difftime(TimeAtLastSimulation, TimeAtFirstSimulation , units = "hours" ),2), "hours"))

JonnoB/PowerGridNetworking documentation built on Aug. 7, 2021, 3:04 a.m.