pdNeville: Polynomial interpolation of curves (1D) or surfaces (2D) of...

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Note References See Also Examples

View source: R/polynomial.R


pdNeville performs intrinsic polynomial interpolation of curves or surfaces of HPD matrices in the metric space of HPD matrices equipped with the affine-invariant Riemannian metric (see \insertCiteB09pdSpecEst[Chapter 6] or \insertCitePFA05pdSpecEst) via Neville's algorithm based on iterative geodesic interpolation detailed in \insertCiteCvS17pdSpecEst and in Chapter 3 and 5 of \insertCiteC18pdSpecEst.


pdNeville(P, X, x, metric = "Riemannian")



for polynomial curve interpolation, a (d, d, N)-dimensional array corresponding to a length N sequence of (d, d)-dimensional HPD matrices (control points) through which the interpolating polynomial curve passes. For polynomial surface interpolation, a (d, d, N_1, N_2)-dimensional array corresponding to a tensor product grid of (d, d)-dimensional HPD matrices (control points) through which the interpolating polynomial surface passes.


for polynomial curve interpolation, a numeric vector of length N specifying the time points at which the interpolating polynomial passes through the control points P. For polynomial surface interpolation, a list with as elements two numeric vectors x and y of length N_1 and N_2 respectively. The numeric vectors specify the time points on the tensor product grid expand.grid(X$x, X$y) at which the interpolating polynomial passes trough the control points P.


for polynomial curve interpolation, a numeric vector specifying the time points (locations) at which the interpolating polynomial is evaluated. For polynomial surface interpolation, a list with as elements two numeric vectors x and y specifying the time points (locations) on the tensor product grid expand.grid(x$x, x$y) at which the interpolating polynomial surface is evaluated.


the metric on the space of HPD matrices, by default metric = "Riemannian", but instead of the Riemannian metric this can also be set to metric = "Euclidean" to perform (standard) Euclidean polynomial interpolation of curves or surfaces in the space of HPD matrices.


For polynomial curve interpolation, given N control points (i.e., HPD matrices), the degree of the interpolated polynomial is N - 1. For polynomial surface interpolation, given N_1 \times N_2 control points (i.e., HPD matrices) on a tensor product grid, the interpolated polynomial surface is of bi-degree (N_1 - 1, N_2 - 1). Depending on the input array P, the function decides whether polynomial curve or polynomial surface interpolation is performed.


For polynomial curve interpolation, a (d, d, length(x))-dimensional array corresponding to the interpolating polynomial curve of (d,d)-dimensional matrices of degree N-1 evaluated at times x and passing through the control points P at times X. For polynomial surface interpolation, a (d, d, length(x$x), length(x$y))-dimensional array corresponding to the interpolating polynomial surface of (d,d)-dimensional matrices of bi-degree N_1 - 1, N_2 - 1 evaluated at times expand.grid(x$x, x$y) and passing through the control points P at times expand.grid(X$x, X$y).


If metric = "Euclidean", the interpolating curve or surface may not be positive definite everywhere as the space of HPD matrices equipped with the Euclidean metric has its boundary at a finite distance.

The function does not check for positive definiteness of the input matrices, and may fail if metric = "Riemannian" and the input matrices are close to being singular.



See Also



### Polynomial curve interpolation
P <- rExamples1D(50, example = 'gaussian')$f[, , 10*(1:5)]
P.poly <- pdNeville(P, (1:5)/5, (1:50)/50)
## Examine matrix-component (1,1)
plot((1:50)/50, Re(P.poly[1, 1, ]), type = "l") ## interpolated polynomial
lines((1:5)/5, Re(P[1, 1, ]), col = 2) ## control points

### Polynomial surface interpolation
P.surf <- array(P[, , 1:4], dim = c(2,2,2,2)) ## control points
P.poly <- pdNeville(P.surf, list(x = c(0, 1), y = c(0, 1)), list(x = (0:10)/10, y = (0:10)/10))

JorisChau/pdSpecEst documentation built on Jan. 13, 2020, 6:08 p.m.