# Class constructor -------------------------------------------------------
#' Construct a `spacetime` object
#' A spacetime object is a collection of a linked data frame and an sf objects.
#' It can be thought of as geography linked to a table that represents those
#' geographies over one or more time periods.
#' Create a spacetime representation of vector data from a `data.frame` and an
#' `sf` object with `spacetime()`
#' @param .data an object with base class `data.frame` containing location and time
#' identifiers `.loc_col` and `.time_col` respectively.
#' @param .geometry an `sf` object with columns `.loc_col` and `.time_col`
#' @param .loc_col the quoted name of the column containing unique location identifiers. Must be present in both `.data` and `.geometry`.
#' @param .time_col the quoted name of the column containing time periods must be present `.data`. See details for more
#' @param active default `"data"`. The object to make active. See [`activate()`] for more.
#' @details
#' `.time_col` must be able to be sorted. As such, `.time_col`
#' cannot be a character vector. It must have a base type of (`typeof()`) either
#' `double` or `integer`—the case in dates or factors respectively. An edge case
#' exists with `POSIXlt` class objects as these can be sorted appropriately but
#' have a base type of `list`.
#' [`spacetime()`] is a wrapper around [`new_spacetime()`]. Spacetimes are
#' validated before creation with [`validate_spacetime()`].
#' Check if an object is a spacetime object with [`is_spacetime()`] or
#' [`is.spacetime()`].
#' @section Validation:
#' `validate_spacetime()` checks both `.data` and `.geometry` to ensure that
#' the constructed spacetime object meets minimum requirements.:
#' - `.data` inherits the `data.frame` class
#' - `.geometry` is an `sf` object
#' - ensures that `.time_col` is of the proper class
#' - ensures there are no missing geometries in `.geometry`
#' - checks for duplicate geometries
#' - ensures `.loc_col` are the same type in `.data` and `.geometry`
#' - lastly informs of missing values in additional columns in `.data`
#' @export
#' @examples
#' df_fp <- system.file("extdata", "bos-ecometric.csv", package = "sfdep")
#' geo_fp <- system.file("extdata", "bos-ecometric.geojson", package = "sfdep")
#' # read in data
#' df <- read.csv(
#' df_fp, colClasses = c("character", "character", "integer", "double", "Date")
#' )
#' geo <- sf::st_read(geo_fp)
#' bos <- spacetime(df, geo, ".region_id", "year")
#' is_spacetime(bos)
#' bos
#' @returns
#' - `spacetime()` and `new_spacetime()` construct spacetime clss objects
#' - `validate_spacetime()` returns nothing but will elicit a warning or error if the spacetime object is not validly constructed
#' - `is_spacetime()` and `is.spacetime()` return a logical scalar indicating if an object inherits the spacetime class
spacetime <- function(.data, .geometry, .loc_col, .time_col, active = "data") {
new_spacetime(.data, .geometry, .loc_col, .time_col, active = active)
#' @rdname spacetime
#' @export
new_spacetime <- function(.data, .geometry, .loc_col,
.time_col, active = "data") {
match.arg(active, c("data", "geometry"))
# validate inputs
validate_spacetime(.data, .geometry, .loc_col, .time_col)
geometry = new_spacetime_geo(.data, .geometry, .loc_col, .time_col),
data = new_spacetime_data(.data, .geometry, .loc_col, .time_col),
#' @keywords internal
new_spacetime_geo <- function(.data, .geometry, .loc_col, .time_col) {
times <- sort(unique(.data[[.time_col]]))
n_times <- length(times)
locs <- .geometry[[.loc_col]]
n_locs <- length(.geometry[[.loc_col]])
active = "geometry",
data = .data,
loc_col = .loc_col,
locs = locs,
n_locs = n_locs,
time_col = .time_col,
times = times,
n_times = n_times,
class = union("spacetime", class(.geometry)))
#' @keywords internal
new_spacetime_data <- function(.data, .geometry, .loc_col, .time_col) {
times <- sort(unique(.data[[.time_col]]))
n_times <- length(times)
locs <- .geometry[[.loc_col]]
n_locs <- length(locs)
active = "data",
data = .data,
geometry = .geometry,
loc_col = .loc_col,
locs = locs,
n_locs = n_locs,
time_col = .time_col,
times = times,
n_times = n_times,
class = union("spacetime", class(.data)))
# Class validator ---------------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname spacetime
#' @export
validate_spacetime <- function(.data, .geometry, .loc_col, .time_col) {
if (!inherits(.geometry, "sf")) {
cli::cli_abort("{.var .geometry} must be an `sf` object.")
if (!inherits(.data, "data.frame")) {
cli::cli_abort("{.var .data} must be a `data.frame`.")
# check if time-column is orderable
# must have basetype of integer or double
# valid types: date, factor, ordered, int, dbl, posixlt
times <- unique(.data[[.time_col]])
can_be_ordered <- (typeof(times) %in% c("double", "integer") | inherits(times, "POSIXlt"))
if (!can_be_ordered) {
"Unable to order `.time_col`.",
i = "{.var .time_col} must have a base `typeof()` {.cls numeric} or {.cls integer},",
"*" = "alternatively, must be of class {.cls POSIXlt}."))
# verify no missingness in geometry locations
n_miss_loc_geo <- sum(is.na(.geometry[[.loc_col]]))
if (n_miss_loc_geo > 0) {
cli::cli_abort("Missing location IDs, `.loc_id`, in .geometry.")
# verify no duplicate geometry in .geometry
n_unique_loc_geo <- length(unique(sf::st_geometry(.geometry)))
if (n_unique_loc_geo < nrow(.geometry)) {
cli::cli_abort("Duplicate geometries present.")
# Compare regions
# check types:
.data_loc_class <- class(.data[[.loc_col]])
.geo_loc_class <- class(.geometry[[.loc_col]])
if (!identical(.data_loc_class, .geo_loc_class)) {
c("Differing class types for {.var .loc_col}.",
i = "{.var .data}: {.cls {(.data_loc_class)}}",
"i" = "{.var .geometry}: {.cls {(.geo_loc_class)}}.")
# check missingness in each column in .data that isn't necessary
addtl_colnames <- setdiff(colnames(.data), c(.loc_col, .time_col))
n_missing <- unlist(lapply(addtl_colnames, function(.x) sum(is.na(.data[[.x]]))))
names(n_missing) <- addtl_colnames
to_report <- n_missing[n_missing > 0]
if (any(to_report > 0)) {
cli::cli_alert_warning("Vars(s) {.var {names(to_report)}} {?is/are} missing {to_report} value(s).")
# Class test --------------------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname spacetime
#' @export
#' @param x an object to test
#' @param ... unused
is_spacetime <- function(x, ...) {
inherits(x, "spacetime")
#' @export
#' @rdname spacetime
is.spacetime <- function(x, ...) {
is_spacetime(x, ...)
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