Man pages for Jtrachsel/funfuns
Functions I Use (Title Case)

adapt_tsnewrapper for rtsne function that will set perplexity to 1 if...
ccrepe_to_geomnetfilter ccrepe object and prepare for geomnet plotting
cum_dist_to_targetsCumulative distance to targets in a distance matrix
darkenReturn a darker hue of a color
DESeq_cov_assoDESeq2 covariate associations with OTUs
DESeq_difabundDESeq2 differential abundance for all treatments compared to...
Deseq.quickplotQuickly plot Deseq2 results
extract_mothur_taxExtract mothur SILVA formatted taxonomy
gather_nodesCollect type information for nodes in a network
iterative_dist_removeiteratively remove objects from a distance matrix and plot at...
iter_plotsplots the output of iterative_NMDS
lightenReturn a lighter hue of a color
min_dist_to_targetsMinimum distance to targets for each other entry in a...
NMDS_ellipseGenerate NMDS points, group centroids and standard error...
otu_tax_labelsswap OTU designations with 'genus:OTU'
pairwise.adonisthis function taken from...
prune_graphRemove small unconnected subnetworks from a network
qpcr_DDCTCTs to log2 fold change relative to controls
qpcr_DDCT_LODCTs to log2 fold change relative to controls with LOD...
rcorr_to_geomnetfilter rcorr object and prepare for geomnet plotting
read_mash_triRead in a mash output lower triangle file as a dist object
topGO_wrapperWrapper for TopGO - GO term enrichment analysis
Jtrachsel/funfuns documentation built on Aug. 8, 2021, 7:31 p.m.