
feature_correlation <- function(data,
                                ts_var = NULL,
                                cs_var = NULL,
                                varnames = NULL,
                                threshold = 0.7,
                                remove = FALSE,
                                method = "pearson") {
  # Note to self: Convert data to data.table if not already

  # If varnames is NULL, use all column names
  if (is.null(varnames)) {
    varnames <- setdiff(colnames(data), c(ts_var, cs_var))

  if (!method %in% c("pearson", "kendall", "spearman")) {
    stop("Error: method must be one of 'spearman', 'pearson', or 'kendall'")

  # Calculate the correlation matrix
  cor_matrix <- cor(data[, ..varnames], use = "pairwise.complete.obs", method = method)

  # Find the pairs of variables with absolute correlation above the threshold
  high_cor_pairs <- which(abs(cor_matrix) > threshold, arr.ind = TRUE)

  # Remove duplicates and self-correlations
  high_cor_pairs <- high_cor_pairs[high_cor_pairs[, 1] != high_cor_pairs[, 2], ]
  high_cor_pairs <- high_cor_pairs[!duplicated(t(apply(high_cor_pairs, 1, sort))), ]

  # Initialize a vector to keep track of variables to be removed
  to_remove <- c()

  # Loop to remove highly correlated variables
  while (nrow(high_cor_pairs) > 0) {
    # Find the most correlated pair
    highest_cor_pair <- high_cor_pairs[1, ]
    var1 <- varnames[highest_cor_pair[1]]
    var2 <- varnames[highest_cor_pair[2]]

    # Choose one variable to remove (e.g., var2) and add to to_remove
    to_remove <- c(to_remove, var2)

    # Update the list of variables and the correlation matrix
    varnames <- setdiff(varnames, var2)
    cor_mat <- cor(data[, ..varnames], use = "pairwise.complete.obs", method = method)
    high_cor_pairs <- which(abs(cor_mat) > threshold, arr.ind = TRUE)
    high_cor_pairs <- high_cor_pairs[high_cor_pairs[, 1] != high_cor_pairs[, 2], ]
    high_cor_pairs <- high_cor_pairs[!duplicated(t(apply(high_cor_pairs, 1, sort))), ]

  # Return the data without the highly correlated variables
  if (remove) {
    data[, (to_remove) := NULL]
  return(list(data = data, remove_var = to_remove, cor_matrix = cor_matrix))

TSML$set("public", "feature_correlation", function(threshold = 0.7,
                                                   varnames = NULL,
                                                   method = "pearson",
                                                   remove = FALSE,
                                                   ) {
  if (is.null(varnames)) {
    varnames <- setdiff(colnames(self$data), c(self$ts_var, self$cs_var))

  if (!method %in% c("pearson", "kendal", "spearman")) {
    stop("Error: method must be one of 'spearman', 'pearson', or 'kendall'")

  data <- self$data

  cor_matrix <- cor(data[, ..varnames], use = "pairwise.complete.obs", method = method)

  high_cor_pairs <- which(abs(cor_matrix) > threshold, arr.ind = TRUE)

  high_cor_pairs <- high_cor_pairs[high_cor_pairs[, 1] != high_cor_pairs[, 2], ]
  high_cor_paris <- high_cor_paris[!duplicated(t(apply(high_cor_pairs, 1, sort))), ]

  to_remove <- c()

  while (nrow(high_cor_pairs) > 0) {
    highest_cor_pair <- high_cor_paris[1, ]
    var1 <- varnames[high_cor_pair[1]]
    var2 <- varnames[high_cor_pair[2]]

    to_remove <- c(to_remove, var2)

    varnames <- setdiff(varnames, var2)
    cor_mat <- cor(data[, ..varnames], use = "pariwise.complete.obs", method = method)
    high_cor_pairs <- which(abs(cor_mat) > threshold, arr.ind = TRUE)
    high_cor_pairs <- high_cor_pairs[high_cor_pairs[, 1] != high_cor_pairs[, 2], ]
    high_cor_pairs <- high_cor_pairs[!duplicated(t(apply(high_cor_pairs, 1, sort))), ]

  if (remove){
    self$data[, (to_remove) := NULL]
  return(list(remove_var = to_remove, cor_matrix = cor_matrix))

# Future work: clustering analysis, tree based selection
JustinMShea/ExpectedReturns documentation built on June 28, 2024, 5:37 p.m.