knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>", fig.width = 7, eval = FALSE )
Install the package fhpredict from GitHub, using the package remotes. Install from the "dev" branch to get the latest version:
# install.packages(remotes) remotes::install_github("kwb-r/fhpredict@dev", build_vignettes = TRUE)
In the data model of the app everything is assigned to a user identified by a unique identifier, the user id. To get an overview on available users and their associated ids, run:
# Get overview on available users in a data frame users <- fhpredict::api_get_users() # Print the data frame users
Use the function api_get_bathingspot()
to get an overview on the bathing spots
that are stored in the postgres database. You need to specify the user to whom
the bathing spots are associated. See above for how to get a list of available
user ids.
# Get overview on the first "limit" bathingspots associated to user with id 3 spots <- fhpredict::api_get_bathingspot(user_id = 3) spots2 <- fhpredict::api_get_bathingspot(user_id = 3, check = FALSE) identical(spots, spots2) fhpredict::api_get_bathingspot(user_id = 33) fhpredict::api_get_bathingspot(user_id = 33, check = FALSE) # Number of bathing spots returned nrow(spots)
By default, only the first bathing spots are considered in the returned data
frame. Set the argument limit
to a high number so that you get a list of all
available bathing spots:
# Get overview on all bathing spots associated to user with id 3 all_spots <- fhpredict::api_get_bathingspot(user_id = 3, limit = 10000) # Number of bathing spots returned nrow(all_spots)
Use the overview as retrieved above to lookup the bathing spot id that you are
interested in. Then, call api_get_bathingspot()
again, this time by setting
the argument spot_id
# Lookup bathing spots of interest by name all_bathing_spots[grep("Jungfernheide", all_bathing_spots$name), c("id", "name")] # Lookup the bathing spot id and store it in a variable spot_id spot_id <- 17 # Load the data available for the corresponding bathing spot id spot <- fhpredict::api_get_bathingspot(user_id = 3, spot_id = spot_id)
It is also possible to get a bathing spot without specifying a user id:
# It is also possible to get a bathing spot without specifying a user id spot_no_user <- fhpredict::api_get_bathingspot(spot_id = spot_id) # Is this the same as what we get when a user is specified? identical(spot, spot_no_user)
The variable spot
now contains a list of properties of the selected bathing
spot. As the list contains a lot of NULL
elements, we remove these elements
before looking at the overall structure of the list:
# Look at the overall structure of the list omitting any NULL element str(kwb.utils::excludeNULL(spot), 1)
Use the $
operator to access the different properties of the bathing spot:
spot$id spot$nameLong
We are especially interested in the coordinates of the polygon that defines the
area over which to average the rain data that is assumed to influence the
water quality of the bathing spot. This information is stored in the list
element area
. It can be transformed into a GeoJSON string using the function
from the jsonlite package. There is also a list element
that contains the same coordinates in the form of a two
column data frame.
# Polygon coordinates as a GeoJSON string jsonlite::toJSON(spot$area) # Polygon coordinates as a data frame head(spot$area_coordinates)
The spot
object contains the results of water quality measurements in its list
element measurements
. Use the (non-exported) function flatten_recursive_list
to convert the corresponding recursive list into a data frame.
# Provide the measurements related to the bathing spot measurements <- fhpredict:::flatten_recursive_list(spot$measurements) # Have a look at the first measurements (after removing empty columns) head(kwb.utils::removeEmptyColumns(measurements))
Measurements of water quality (concentration of E.coli) are imported from CSV files into the database by the end user. Use the following code to check for which bathing spots measurements are available:
# Set user ID user_id <- 3 # Get information on bathing spots spots <- fhpredict::api_get_bathingspot(user_id = user_id, limit = 1000) # Prepare a named vector of bathing spot IDs to be looped through spot_ids <- stats::setNames(nm = spots$id) # Loop through the bathing spots and get the measurements (if any) measurements <- lapply(spot_ids, function(spot_id) { fhpredict::api_get_bathingspot(user_id, spot_id)$measurements }) # Determine and print the IDs of spots with at least one measurement n_measurements <- lengths(measurements) # Show the corresponding number n of measurements data.frame( spot_id = names(n_measurements)[n_measurements > 0], n = unname(n_measurements[n_measurements > 0]) )
Use the function api_get_model()
to get an overview on the models that are
stored in the postgres database. You need to pass the user id (here: 3) and
the id of the bathing spot (here: 18) to the function.
# Read all models that are stored for one bathing spot of one user model_info <- fhpredict::api_get_model(user_id = 3, spot_id = 18)
The function returns a data frame with one row per available model:
# Show meta information on the models
Use this overview on available models to lookup the id of the model that you actually want to fetch from the database.
Use the model id to fetch a specific model from the database:
# Load model with id 27 from the database model <- fhpredict::api_get_model(user_id = 3, spot_id = 18, model_id = 3)
# Show the (rstan) model print(model)
For testing purposes we store a simple, small object instead of a STAN model.
We use the cars
dataset that is shipped with "base R". Use the function
to add the "model" to the database:
# Look at the head of the cars dataset head(cars) # Add the cars dataset to the database model_id <- fhpredict:::api_add_model( user_id = 3, spot_id = 18, model = cars, comment = "Cars in R" )
The function returns the id of the model that was given by the database. We
stored the id in the variable model_id
. To check if the model arrived in the
database we read it back, again using api_get_model()
# Read the "model" back my_cars <- fhpredict::api_get_model(3, 18, model_id)
We convince ourselves that what we get is identical to what we stored:
# Nothing should have changed! identical(cars, my_cars)
Use the function api_delete_model()
to remove a model from the database.
Let's delete the model that we just added. Its id is given in the variable
# Delete the model with the id given in "model_id" fhpredict::api_delete_model(3, 18, model_id)
Use the following script to check if there are any purification plants defined. As there are many bathing spots, the script takes quite a long time and is not run here so that you do not see any outputs.
# Get meta information on all bathing spots bathing_spots <- fhpredict::api_get_bathingspot(user_id = 3, limit = 10000) # Number of bathing spots nrow(bathing_spots) # Access the "purificationPlants" endpoint for each bathing spot purification_plants <- lapply(bathing_spots$id, function(spot_id) { message("spot id = ", spot_id) result <- fhpredict::safe_postgres_get(path = sprintf( "%s/purificationPlants", fhpredict:::path_bathingspot(user_id = 3, spot_id = spot_id) )) result$data }) # How many bathing spots have purification plants? sum(lengths(purification_plants) > 0)
This chapter describes how to
Define bathing spot and reference time:
user_id <- 3 spot_id <- 17 # Jungfernheide sampling_time <- "1050"
There is a top-level function that can be used to perform all steps at once. For the single steps that are performed within this function, see below.
In the following we reduce the range of days for which to load rain data to
three days. Omitting date_range
or setting it to NULL
will instead load rain
data for the whole range of dates for which measurements are available.
# Function to be triggered by the user: Provide rain data for the bathing spot control <- fhpredict::provide_rain_data( user_id = 3, spot_id = 17 #, date_range = as.Date(c("2008-07-01", "2008-07-03")) ) while (control$remaining) { control <- fhpredict::provide_rain_data(control) }
Check that the data arrived by reloading them from the database:
# Reload rain data from the database rain <- fhpredict::api_get_rain(user_id = 3, spot_id = 17) # Show the first records of the rain data head(rain)
(rain <- fhpredict::api_get_rain(user_id = 3, spot_id = 43))
system.time(fhpredict::api_delete_rain(user_id = 3, spot_id = 43))
n <- 10000 new_rain <- data.frame( datum = seq(as.Date("2019-10-10"), by = 1, length.out = n), rain = 0.1 * sample(1:10, size = n, replace = TRUE) ) fhpredict:::is_valid_postgres_api_token(fhpredict:::read_token()) fhpredict:::api_delete_rain(user_id, spot_id) fhpredict::api_add_rain(user_id = 3, spot_id = 43, rain = new_rain)
date_from <- "20080701" date_to <- "20080703"
# Get URLs to Radolan files to be downloaded and read urls <- fhpredict:::get_radolan_urls_bucket( from = date_from, to = date_to, time = sampling_time, bathing_season_only = TRUE ) # Read rain data for a certain time period radolan_stack <- fhpredict:::read_radolan_raster_stack(urls) # Show the raster images raster::plot(radolan_stack)
We want to use only the rain data that lie within a polygon around the bathing spot. This area is a piece of metadata that are stored in the Postgres database for each bathing spot. We first read all metadata about the bathing spot defined above and provide the area information.
# Get metadata about the current bathing spot spot <- fhpredict::api_get_bathingspot(spot_id = spot_id) # Check the name of the bathing spot spot$nameLong # Provide the polygon in the same structure as returned by # select_relevant_rain_area(), a function used by Wolfgang to define a polygon # using an R Shiny app area <- fhpredict:::convert_area_structure(spot_area = spot$area) # Show the structure of the area information (a recursive list) str(area, 2)
In the next step we use the area information to cut the area regions from the rain data that so far comprises whole Germany:
# Crop the polygons from each raster layer cropped <- fhpredict:::crop_area_from_radolan_stack(area, radolan_stack)
We check the result by plotting the areas. Important note: It seems that not the polygon is cut but the "extent", i.e. the smallest possible rectangle that contains the polygon!
We now calculate the average rain in each raster layer and provide a simple data frame:
# Get the mean over all layers for each point on the raster aggregated <- raster::cellStats(cropped, stat = mean) # The day information can be restored from the names of the layers dates <- as.Date(substr(names(radolan_stack), 2, 9), format = "%Y%m%d") rain <- data.frame( datum = dates, rain = as.numeric(aggregated) / 10 )
Let's have a look at the created data frame:
# Add rain data frame to the database rain_ids <- fhpredict::api_add_rain(user_id, spot_id, rain) # Read rain from database rain <- fhpredict::api_get_rain(user_id, spot_id) # What should we do with duplicates? sum(duplicated(kwb.utils::selectColumns(rain, "dateTime"))) # Delete rain data with given rain record ids fhpredict::api_delete_rain(user_id, spot_id, rain_ids) # For simplicity reasons: delete all rain data before inserting new data #fhpredict::api_delete_rain(user_id, spot_id) # TODO: Remove only the duplicates, keeping the most current values
# Get existing discharge data discharge_db <- fhpredict::api_get_discharge(user_id, spot_id) # Show the first records head(discharge_db) # Provide discharge test data discharge <- data.frame( dateTime = as.POSIXct(tz = "Europe/Berlin", c( "2019-09-09 16:02:00", "2019-09-09 16:03:00" )), discharge = c(1.0, 1.1) ) # Add discharge test data to database ids <- fhpredict:::api_add_discharge(user_id, spot_id, discharge) # Delete the records that have just been added. Omitting the IDs will remove # all discharge data related to the bathing spot fhpredict::api_delete_discharge(user_id, spot_id, ids = ids)
# Define user and bathing spot ------------------------------------------------- user_id <- 3 spot_id <- 42 # Define artificial time series ------------------------------------------------ n <- 10 timeseries <- data.frame( date = seq(as.Date("2018-07-12"), by = 1, length.out = n), dateTime = "12:13:14", value = rnorm(n, 100) ) # Get overview on generic inputs ----------------------------------------------- fhpredict:::api_get_generic(user_id, spot_id) fhpredict:::api_get_generic(user_id, spot_id, generic_id = 16) # Delete existing generic inputs ----------------------------------------------- fhpredict:::api_delete_generic(user_id, spot_id, generic_id = 6) # Delete all generics! fhpredict:::api_delete_generic(user_id, spot_id) # Create a new generic input --------------------------------------------------- fhpredict:::api_add_generic(user_id, spot_id, name = "generic_1") fhpredict:::api_add_generic(user_id, spot_id, name = "generic_2") fhpredict:::api_add_generic(user_id, spot_id, name = "generic_3") # Add measurements to a specific generic input --------------------------------- fhpredict:::api_add_generic_measurements(user_id, spot_id, 16, data = timeseries) # Read back the generic input. Where are the measurements? fhpredict:::postgres_get( fhpredict:::path_generic_measurements(user_id, spot_id, 16) ) fhpredict:::api_get_generic(user_id, spot_id, generic_id = 16) # Get irradiance measurements -------------------------------------------------- fhpredict:::api_get_irradiances(user_id, spot_id) # Delete all irradiance measurements ------------------------------------------- fhpredict:::api_delete_irradiances(user_id, spot_id) # Add irradiance measurements -------------------------------------------------- fhpredict:::api_add_irradiances(user_id, spot_id, data = timeseries)
The following function reads all timeseries that are stored for a bathing spot
and returns the range of dates covered as well as the number n
of data points.
user_id <- 9 spots <- fhpredict::api_get_bathingspot(user_id) spot_ids <- setNames(spots$id, spots$name) summaries <- lapply(spot_ids, fhpredict::get_data_summary, user_id = user_id)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.