
Defines functions hsCloseDb hsCloseMdb odbcConnectionExcel odbcConnectionAccess openAdequateConnectionOrStop hsOpenDb hsOpenMdb

Documented in hsCloseDb hsCloseMdb hsOpenDb hsOpenMdb openAdequateConnectionOrStop

# hsOpenMdb --------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Open Connection to MS Access Database
#' Deprecated. Use \code{\link{hsOpenDb}} instead.
#' @param mdb full path to MS Access database file.
#' @param dbg if TRUE and if the connection could be established details of the
#'   connection are shown.
#' @importFrom kwb.utils warningDeprecated
hsOpenMdb <- function(mdb, dbg = FALSE)
  kwb.utils::warningDeprecated("kwb.db:::hsOpenMdb", "kwb.db:::hsOpenDb")
  hsOpenDb(mdb, dbg)

# hsOpenDb ---------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Open Connection to MS Access or Excel
#' Opens database connection to MS Access or MS Excel, checks the connection and
#' stops on error.
#' @param src full path to MS Access database file (extension \dQuote{.mdb} or 
#'   \dQuote{.accdb}) or MS Excel file (extension \dQuote{.xls} or 
#'   \dQuote{.xlsx}) or name of ODBC data source.
#' @param use2007Driver if TRUE the functions odbcConnectAccess2007 and
#'   odbcConnectExcel2007 are used instead of odbcConnectAccess and
#'   odbcConnectExcel, respectively
#' @param dbg if TRUE and if the connection could be established details of the 
#'   connection are shown.
#' @param DBMSencoding finally passed to \code{odbcDriverConnect}. Default: "",
#'   You may want to use: "UTF-8"
#' @param \dots additional arguments passed to the odbcConnect...()-function
#' @return On success an object of class RODBC describing the connection is
#'   returned. On failure nothing is returned and program execution stops.
#' @seealso \code{\link{hsCloseDb}}
#' @importFrom kwb.utils catIf printIf
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{ 
#' ## Open a connection to the example database
#' ## (only on Windows!)
#' if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
#'   con <- hsOpenDb(xmdb())
#'   con
#' }
#' ## Details on the established connection are shown:
#' # RODBC Connection 9
#' # Details:
#' #   case=nochange
#' #   DBQ=C:\Users\hsonne\Documents\R\win-library\2.14\kwb.base\...
#' #   Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}
#' #   DriverId=25
#' #   FIL=MS Access
#' #   MaxBufferSize=2048
#' #   PageTimeout=5
#' #   UID=admin
#' ## Close the connection again
#' if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
#'   hsCloseDb(con)
#' }
#' }
hsOpenDb <- function(
  src, use2007Driver = NULL, dbg = FALSE, DBMSencoding = "", ...
  kwb.utils::catIf(dbg, "in hsOpenDb: use2007Driver =", use2007Driver, "\n")
  if (missing(src) || length(src) == 0) clean_stop(
    "No source file (*.mdb, *.accdb, *.xls or *.xlsx) or name of ODBC data ", 
    "source given."
  if (mode(src) != "character" || length(src) > 1) clean_stop(
    "src must be a character vector of length one."

  ## Open database connection
  con <- openAdequateConnectionOrStop(
    src, use2007Driver = use2007Driver, DBMSencoding = DBMSencoding, ...
  ## Return if connection failed
  if (! is64BitR() && con == -1) clean_stop(
    "Could not connect to database: ", src

  ## in debug mode, print connection
  kwb.utils::printIf(dbg, con, "Connection")
  is_mysql <- isMySQL(src, con = con)

  setCurrentSqlDialect(ifelse(is_mysql, "mysql", "msaccess"))

# openAdequateConnectionOrStop -------------------------------------------------

#' Open Adequate Connection or Stop
#' @param db database name or file
#' @param use2007Driver if TRUE the functions odbcConnectAccess2007 and
#'   odbcConnectExcel2007 are used instead of odbcConnectAccess and
#'   odbcConnectExcel, respectively
#' @param dbg if \code{TRUE}, debug messages are shown
#' @param DBMSencoding finally passed to \code{odbcDriverConnect}. Default: "",
#'   You may want to use: "UTF-8"
#' @param \dots further arguments passed to \code{odbcConnectionAccess}, 
#'   \code{odbcConnectionExcel} or \code{\link[RODBC]{odbcConnect}}
#' @importFrom kwb.utils catIf
#' @importFrom RODBC odbcConnect odbcDataSources
#' @importFrom odbc32 odbcConnect odbcDataSources
openAdequateConnectionOrStop <- function(
  db, use2007Driver = NULL, dbg = FALSE, DBMSencoding = "", ...
    dbg, "in openAdequateConnectionOrStop: use2007Driver =", use2007Driver, "\n"
  is_mdb <- isAccessFile(db)
  is_xls <- isExcelFile(db)
  # Expand and check the path if it looks like a MS Access or MS Excel file
  if (is_mdb || is_xls) {
    db <- kwb.utils::safePath(path.expand(db))

  if (is_mdb) return(odbcConnectionAccess(
    db, use2007Driver = use2007Driver, DBMSencoding = DBMSencoding, ...
  if (is_xls) return(odbcConnectionExcel(
    db, use2007Driver = use2007Driver, DBMSencoding = DBMSencoding, ...
  if (isOdbcDataSource(db)) return(RODBC::odbcConnect(
    db, DBMSencoding = DBMSencoding, ...
    "src must be a file name with extension .mdb, .accdb, .xls, .xlsx ",
    "or the name of an existing ODBC data source. ",
    "Available ODBC data sources are:\n * ",
    paste(names(RODBC::odbcDataSources()), collapse = ",\n * ")

# odbcConnectionAccess ---------------------------------------------------------

#' @importFrom kwb.utils defaultIfNULL
odbcConnectionAccess <- function(db, use2007Driver = NULL, ...)
  use2007Driver <- kwb.utils::defaultIfNULL(use2007Driver, isAccess2007File(db))

  # Try to connect. This may fail due to wrong  if this is 64 bit R and there are no 64 bit
  # ODBC drivers installed
  con <- try({
    if (use2007Driver){
      RODBC::odbcConnectAccess2007(db, ...)
    } else {
      RODBC::odbcConnectAccess(db, ...)

  # If the connection was established, return the connection object  
  if (! inherits(con, "try-error")) {

  # If the connection could not be established, try to connect via odbc32
  msg <- "Connecting with RODBC failed. "
  if (! is64BitR()) {
    clean_stop(msg, "This is a 32 Bit R session. Try to run R in 64 Bit mode.")
  message(msg, "This is a 64 Bit R session. Trying to connect via odbc32...")

  socket <- kwb.utils::defaultIfNULL(
    x = .GlobalEnv$.r2r_socket, 
    default = odbc32::start_server(invisible = TRUE)
  if (use2007Driver) {
    odbc32::odbcConnectAccess2007(db, socket = socket)
  } else {
    odbc32::odbcConnectAccess(db, socket = socket)

# odbcConnectionExcel ----------------------------------------------------------

#' @importFrom kwb.utils defaultIfNULL
odbcConnectionExcel <- function(db, use2007Driver = NULL, ...)
  use2007Driver <- kwb.utils::defaultIfNULL(use2007Driver, isExcel2007File(db))

  # Try to open the connection with the corresponding RODBC function
  con <- try({
    if (use2007Driver) {
      RODBC::odbcConnectExcel2007(db, ...)
    } else {
      RODBC::odbcConnectExcel(db, ...)

  if (! inherits(con, "try-error")) {
  msg <- paste(
    "The connection to", db, "via RODBC failed.", 
    "This is a", ifelse(is64BitR(), "64", "32"), "Bit R session. "
  clean_stop(msg, if (! is64BitR()) {
    "You may try to run R in 32 Bit mode." 
  } else {
    "You need to have 64 Bit ODBC drivers installed."

# hsCloseMdb -------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Close Connection
#' Deprecated. Use code{\link{hsCloseDb}} instead.
#' @param con Open database connection as returned by
#'   \link{hsOpenMdb}/odbcConnect
#' @export
hsCloseMdb <- function(con)
  kwb.utils::warningDeprecated("kwb.db:::hsCloseMdb", "kwb.db:::hsCloseDb")

# hsCloseDb --------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Close Connection to MS Access or Excel
#' Closes the database connection.
#' @param con Open database connection as returned by
#'   \link{hsOpenDb}/\code{odbcConnect}
#' @seealso \code{\link{hsOpenDb}}
hsCloseDb <- function(con)
  # Close database connection
  result <- try(RODBC::odbcClose(con))
  if (inherits(result, "try-error")) {
  # Stop the 32 Bit R server if it is running
  if (is64BitR() && ! is.null(socket <- .GlobalEnv$.r2r_socket)) {
    odbc32::stop_server(socket = socket)  
    rm(".r2r_socket", envir = .GlobalEnv)
  #options("kwb.db.current.sql.dialect" = NULL)
KWB-R/kwb.db documentation built on Oct. 1, 2023, 4:10 a.m.