
Defines functions hsTables

Documented in hsTables

# hsTables ---------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Available tables in database
#' Returns a data.frame as returned by sqlTables, containing information on the 
#' tables contained in the database.  Opening of the database connection, 
#' getting the list of tables and closing of the database connection is done 
#' within this function.
#' @param mdb full path to MS Access database file (extension \dQuote{.mdb} or 
#'   \dQuote{.accdb}) or MS Excel file (extension \dQuote{.xls} or 
#'   \dQuote{.xlsx}).
#' @param excludeSystemTables if TRUE (default), system tables are excluded from
#'   the table list, else included.
#' @param namesOnly if TRUE, only table names are returned. Default: TRUE
#' @param use2007Driver if TRUE the functions odbcConnectAccess2007 and
#'   odbcConnectExcel2007 are used instead of odbcConnectAccess and
#'   odbcConnectExcel, respectively
#' @param dbg if TRUE, debug messages are shown
#' @return data.frame with columns \emph{TABLE_CAT}, \emph{TABLE_SCHEM}, 
#'   \emph{TABLE_NAME}, \emph{TABLE_TYPE}, \emph{REMARKS}, see sqlTables of 
#'   RODBC package.
#' @seealso \code{\link{hsFields}}
#' @importFrom kwb.utils catIf
#' @importFrom RODBC sqlTables 
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Get names of tables in the example database
#' ## (only on Windows)
#' if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
#'   tnames <- hsTables(xmdb(), namesOnly = TRUE)
#'   ## Exclude system tables by filtering for table names
#'   ## not starting with '^MSys'
#'   tNonSys <- grep("^MSys", tnames, invert = TRUE, value = TRUE)
#'   ## Print the names of the non-system tables.
#'   cat(paste(tNonSys, "\n"))
#' }
#' ## Ouput:
#' # tbl_Hyd
#' #  tbl_Qua
#' #  ...
#' }
hsTables <- function(
  mdb, excludeSystemTables = grepl("\\.(mdb|accdb)$", mdb), namesOnly = TRUE,
  use2007Driver = NULL, dbg = FALSE
  kwb.utils::catIf(dbg, "in hsTables: use2007Driver =", use2007Driver, "\n")
  sqlDialect = getCurrentSqlDialect(warn = FALSE)
  ## Open database connection and close it on exit
  con <- hsOpenDb(mdb, use2007Driver = use2007Driver)

  # Try to use the RODBC-function first
  tables <- try(RODBC::sqlTables(con))
  if (inherits(tables, "try-error")) {
    error <- as.character(tables)
    # Try to use the odbc32-function next
    tables <- try(odbc32::sqlTables(con))
    if (inherits(tables, "try-error")) {
        "Could not fetch a table list.\n", 
        "RODBC::sqlTables() returned: ", error, "\n",
        "odbc32::sqlTables() returned: ", as.character(tables)
  if (excludeSystemTables) {
    tables <- tables[tables$TABLE_TYPE != "SYSTEM TABLE", ]
  if (namesOnly) {
  } else {
KWB-R/kwb.db documentation built on Oct. 1, 2023, 4:10 a.m.