
Defines functions get_one_version_info get_version_info

Documented in get_version_info

# get_version_info ------------------------------------------------------------

#' Get Version Information on Files of Given IDs
#' @param file_ids vector of integer representing file ids (values returned in
#'   column \code{fileid}) by \code{\link{list_files}}
#' @param user nextcloud user
#' @param ignore pattern matching columns to be excluded from the result. Set
#'   to \code{NULL} to see what columns are available.
#' @return data frame with one row per version. There seems to be only an entry
#'   if the corresponding file as more than one version.
#' @importFrom kwb.utils catAndRun excludeNULL safeRowBindAll
#' @export
get_version_info <- function(
  user = nextcloud_user(),
  ignore = "^(status|quota|getcontent|resource)"
  #user <- "hsonne"

  results <- lapply(file_ids, function(fileid) {

      paste("Getting version info for fileid =", fileid),
      get_one_version_info(fileid, ignore = ignore, user = user)

  results <- kwb.utils::excludeNULL(results, dbg = FALSE)

  if (length(results) == 0L) {
    message("No versions available for given file IDs")


# get_one_version_info ---------------------------------------------------------

#' @importFrom kwb.utils orderBy selectColumns
#' @keywords internal
get_one_version_info <- function(
  fileid, ignore = NULL, user = nextcloud_user(), auth = nextcloud_auth()
  # Shortcut
  pull <- kwb.utils::selectColumns

  href <- fileid_to_version_href(fileid, user)

  result <- try({

    content <- nextcloud_request(
      href, verb = "PROPFIND", auth = auth, body = NULL, as = "parsed"

    info <- parse_xml_content(content)

    info <- info[pull(info, "resourcetype") != "list()", ]

    if (! is.null(x <- info$getlastmodified)) {

      info$getlastmodified <- to_posix(x)

      info <- kwb.utils::orderBy(info, "getlastmodified")

    if (! is.null(ignore)) {

      info <- info[, ! grepl(ignore, names(info)), drop = FALSE]

    n_versions <- nrow(info)

      fileid = rep(fileid, n_versions),
      version = seq_len(n_versions),
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE

  if (is_try_error(result)) {

KWB-R/kwb.nextcloud documentation built on June 8, 2022, 10:21 a.m.