
Defines functions defaultIf defaultIfZero defaultIfNA defaultIfNULL defaultLevels getFunctionValueOrDefault

Documented in defaultIf defaultIfNA defaultIfNULL defaultIfZero defaultLevels getFunctionValueOrDefault

# getFunctionValueOrDefault ----------------------------------------------------

#' Function Value or Default if NA
#' Take the function value or a default value if the function value is NA
#' @param values vector of values given to \code{FUN}
#' @param FUN function to which values are passed and which offers the argument
#'   "na.rm"
#' @param default default value to be returned if all values are NA
#' @param warningMessage Warning message given if the default was taken
#' @export
getFunctionValueOrDefault <- function(values, FUN, default, warningMessage = NA)
  if (all(is.na(values))) {
    if (is.na(warningMessage)) {
      warningMessage <- paste(
        "All values to which", hsQuoteChr(deparse(substitute(FUN))),
        "should be applied are NA. The default is taken:", default
    if (warningMessage != "") {
    functionValue <- default
  } else {
    functionValue <- FUN(values, na.rm = TRUE)

# defaultLevels ----------------------------------------------------------------

#' Default Factor Levels
#' If x is numeric and all values are whole numbers use the sequence between the
#' smallest and the highest value
#' @param x numeric or character vector
#' @param step step to be used in sequence generation
#' @return if \code{x} is numeric the sequence between the lowest and highest
#'   value in \code{x} with the given \code{step} is returned. If \code{x} is a 
#'   vector of character strings, the sorted unique values are returned.
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' defaultLevels(c(1, 3, 4, 5, 4))
#' defaultLevels(c(1920, 1950, 1970), step = 10)
defaultLevels <- function(x, step = 1)
  if (is.numeric(x)) {
    x.non.na <- x[! is.na(x)]
    quotient <- x.non.na / step
    if (all(quotient - round(quotient) < 1e-16)) {
      range.x <- range(x.non.na)
      x <- seq(from = range.x[1], to = range.x[2], by = step)

# defaultIfNULL ----------------------------------------------------------------

#' Default Value if Object is NULL
#' Return the given object or a default value if the object is NULL
#' @param x R object to be checked for NULL
#' @param default default value that is returned if \code{x} is NULL
#' @param count if \code{TRUE} (the default is \code{FALSE}) the number of
#'   replaced values is returned in the attributes \code{count}
#' @return \code{x} if \code{x} is not NULL and \code{default} otherwise
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{defaultIfNA}, \link{defaultIfZero}}
#' @examples 
#' defaultIfNULL(NULL, "default") # returns the default value
#' defaultIfNULL("actual", "default") # returns the "actual" value
defaultIfNULL <- function(x, default, count = FALSE)
  defaultIf(is.null, x, default, count = count)

# defaultIfNA ------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Default Value if Object is NA
#' Return the given object or a default value if the object is NA
#' @param x vector possibly containing NA values
#' @param default default value that is returned if \code{x} is NA
#' @param count if \code{TRUE} (the default is \code{FALSE}) the number of
#'   replaced values is returned in the attributes \code{count}
#' @return \code{x} if \code{x} is not NA and \code{default} otherwise
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{defaultIfNULL}, \link{defaultIfZero}}
#' @examples 
#' defaultIfNA(NA, "default") # returns the default value
#' defaultIfNA("actual", "default") # returns the "actual" value
defaultIfNA <- function(x, default, count = FALSE)
  defaultIf(is.na, x, default, count = count)

# defaultIfZero ----------------------------------------------------------------

#' Default Value if Object is 0 (zero)
#' Return the given object or a default value if the object is 0 (zero)
#' @param x vector possibly containing zeroes
#' @param default value to be used instead of zero
#' @param count if \code{TRUE} (the default is \code{FALSE}) the number of
#'   replaced values is returned in the attributes \code{count}
#' @return \code{x} if \code{x} is not 0 and \code{default} otherwise. The
#'   returned object has an attribute \code{count} containing the number of
#'   values that have been set to the default value.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{defaultIfNA}, \link{defaultIfNULL}}
#' @examples 
#' defaultIfZero(c(1, 2, 0, 4, 5, 0, 6), NA) # returns the default value (NA) 
#' (out <- defaultIfZero(1:6, NA, count = TRUE)) # returns the "actual" values
#' # The number of values that were zero is returned in the attribute "count" 
#' attr(out, "count")
defaultIfZero <- function(x, default, count = FALSE)
  defaultIf(function(x) x == 0, x, default, count = count)

# defaultIf --------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Return a Default Value for Values Meeting a Condition
#' @param FUN.test function returning vector of logical, to be applied to 
#'   \code{x}
#' @param x vector in which to set default values
#' @param default value to be set in \code{x} at those positions where 
#'   \code{FUN.text} returns \code{TRUE}
#' @param count if \code{TRUE} (the default is \code{FALSE}) the number of
#'   replaced values is returned in the attributes \code{count}
#' @export
defaultIf <- function(FUN.test, x, default, count = FALSE)
  selected <- if (length(x) > 1) {
    sapply(x, FUN.test)
  } else {
  if (any(selected)) {
    if (is.null(x)) {
      x <- default
    } else {
      x[selected] <- default
  if (count) {
    x <- structure(x, count = sum(selected, na.rm = TRUE))
KWB-R/kwb.utils documentation built on April 1, 2024, 7:12 a.m.