
Defines functions multiColumnLookup

Documented in multiColumnLookup

# multiColumnLookup ------------------------------------------------------------

#' Lookup by Matching Values in Multiple Columns
#' @param data data frame for which to lookup values in the \code{lookup} table
#' @param lookup lookup table defining the key values to be matched against
#'   the values in the corresponding columns in \code{data} and the 
#'   corresponding lookup values that are to be returned
#' @param value name of column(s) in \code{lookup} containing the value(s) to be 
#'   looked up. Default: name of the last column in \code{lookup}
#' @param drop logical indicating whether or not to return a vector instead of
#'   a one-column data frame in case that there is only one value column. The
#'   default is \code{TRUE}
#' @param includeKeys logical indicating whether or not to include the key 
#'   column(s) in the returned data frame (for more than one \code{value} column
#'   or \code{drop = FALSE}). The default is \code{FALSE}
#' @return If \code{value} is of length one and \code{drop = TRUE}) a vector 
#'   with as many elements as there are rows in \code{data} is returned. 
#'   Otherwise a data frame with as many rows as there are rows in \code{data}
#'   and with the columns named in \code{value} is returned.
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' (persons <- rbind(
#'   noFactorDataFrame(name = "Peter", city = "Berlin"),
#'   noFactorDataFrame(name = "Paul", city = "Paris"),
#'   noFactorDataFrame(name = "Mary", city = "Berlin"),
#'   noFactorDataFrame(name = "Paul", city = "Berlin"),
#'   noFactorDataFrame(name = "Peter", city = "Paris")
#' ))
#' # Who is cool, which city is cool and which combination is coolest?
#' (is_cool <- kwb.utils::safeRowBindAll(list(
#'   noFactorDataFrame(name = "Paul", city = "Berlin", value = "astro-cool"),
#'   noFactorDataFrame(city = "Berlin", value = "cool"),
#'   noFactorDataFrame(name = "Paul", value = "mega-cool"),
#'   noFactorDataFrame(city = "Paris", value = "ca va")
#' )))
#' # Lookup the coolness based on name and city
#' coolness <- multiColumnLookup(persons, is_cool, value = "value")
#' # Add the coolness column
#' cbind(persons, coolness)
multiColumnLookup <- function(
    data, lookup, value = NULL, drop = TRUE, includeKeys = FALSE
  value <- defaultIfNULL(value, names(lookup)[ncol(lookup)])
  checkForMissingColumns(lookup, value)
  # Extract the key columns into data frame "keys"  
  keys <- removeColumns(lookup, value)
  # Create list of rows from "keys" data frame. Each row represents a 
  # combination of values in different columns that are to be looked up
  raw_criteria <- split(keys, seq_len(nrow(lookup)))
  # Remove empty fields from the raw criteria
  criteria <- lapply(raw_criteria, function(x) {
    x[, ! isNaOrEmpty(x), drop = FALSE]
  # Check in advance that all required columns exist in data
  checkForMissingColumns(data, unique(unlist(lapply(criteria, names))))
  # Apply each criterion to the input data frame "data". Return a matrix of 
  # logical with one row per row in "data" and one column per criterion. 
  match_matrix <- do.call(cbind, lapply(criteria, function(criterion) {
    Reduce(`&`, lapply(names(criterion), function(column) {
      data[[column]] == criterion[[column]][1L]
  # For each row in match_matrix, find the index of the first "TRUE"
  indices <- apply(match_matrix, 1L, function(x) unname(which(x)[1L]))
  is_na <- is.na(indices)
  if (any(is_na)) {
    printIf(TRUE, utils::head(data[is_na, ]))
    printIf(TRUE, lookup)
      "For ", sum(is_na), " observations in ", deparse(substitute(data)), 
      " (first rows see above) no lookup value could be found", call. = FALSE
  result <- lookup[indices, value, drop = drop && !includeKeys]
  if (includeKeys) {
    result <- cbind(data[names(keys)], result)
  if (is.data.frame(result)) {
  } else {
KWB-R/kwb.utils documentation built on April 1, 2024, 7:12 a.m.