
file <- system.file("extdata", "dictionary.txt", package = "kwb.utils")

dictionary <- list()

test_that("writeDictionary(), readDictionary() and readDictionaries() work", {

  dictionary <<- readDictionary(file)
  temp_file <- tempfile()
  writeDictionary(dictionary, temp_file)
  expect_identical(readDictionary(temp_file), dictionary)
  dictionary_unsorted <- readDictionary(file, sorted = FALSE)
  dictionaries <- readDictionaries(dirname(file), pattern = "^(dict.*)\\.txt$")
  expect_identical(dictionaries[[1]], dictionary_unsorted)
  expect_identical(names(dictionaries), "dictionary")

test_that("resolve works correctly", {
  expect_identical(length(resolve(dictionary)), length(dictionary))
  expect_match(resolve(dictionary, extension = "pdf")$file.out, "pdf$")
  expect_match(resolve("dir.project", dictionary), "example")
  expect_match(resolve("file.out", dictionary, extension = "pdf"), "pdf$")
  expect_match(resolve("dir.project", dictionary, project = "new"), "new")
  expect_identical(resolve("a"), "a")
  expect_identical(resolve(c("a", "b", "c")), c("a", "b", "c"))
  expect_identical(resolve("a", list(a = "b")), "b")
  expect_identical(resolve(c("<a>/<b>", "a/<c>"), 
                           list(a = "A"), b = "B", c = "C"), c("A/B", "a/C"))
  expect_identical(resolve(list(a = "<b>", b = "c")), list(a = "c", b = "c"))
  expect_identical(resolve(list(a = "<b>"), b = "bbb"), list(a = "bbb"))

test_that("hsResolve does not crash on unresolved placeholders", {
  expect_equal(hsResolve("<a>"), "<a>")
  expect_equal(hsResolve("<a>", list(b = "c")), "<a>")

test_that("hsResolve works with more than one dictionary", {
  hsResolve("x", list(x = "<y>/z"), list(y = "root"))

test_that("hsResolve does not 'consume' backslashes", {
  expect_equal(hsResolve("<a>", list(), a = "\\"), "\\")
  expect_equal(hsResolve("<a>", list(a = "\\")), "\\")

test_that("hsResolve replaces recursively", {
  expect_equal(hsResolve("x", list(x = 1)), "1")
  expect_equal(hsResolve("x", list(x = "<y>", y = 1)), "1")
  expect_equal(hsResolve("x", list(x = "<y>", y = "<z>", z = "22")), "22")

test_that("hsResolve works with a vector of elements", {
  expect_equal(hsResolve(c("x", "y", "z"), list(x = 1, y = 2, z = 3)), 
  expect_equal(hsResolve(c("x", "y", "z"), list(x = 1, y = 2), z = 3),

test_that("resolveAll works as expected", {
  expect_equal(resolveAll(list(x = 1, y = "<x>", z = "<y>")), 
               list(x = "1", y = "1", z = "1"))
  expect_equal(resolveAll(list(x = 1, y = "<a>", z = "<y>"), a = 2), 
               list(x = "1", y = "2", z = "2"))

test_that("resolveAll stops if not all unnamed arguments are lists", {
  expect_error(resolveAll(list(a = 1), c(b = 2)))

test_that("getTagNames() works as expected", {
  expect_error(getTagNames(1), "must be .* character")
  expect_error(getTagNames(c("<a>", "<b>"), expected.length = 1, "length 1"))
  expect_identical(getTagNames(c("<a>", "<b>")), list("a", "b"))
  expect_error(getTagNames("a(b)c", bt = "()"))
KWB-R/kwb.utils documentation built on April 1, 2024, 7:12 a.m.