
Defines functions write_github_repos_json get_github_full_names get_github_topics

Documented in get_github_topics write_github_repos_json

#' Helper function: Get Github Topics
#' @param full_names vector with full_names to Github repo e.g.
#' c("kwb-r/kwb.utils", "kwb-r/kwb.base"), default: get_github_full_names()
#' @export
#' @importFrom gh gh
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_rows
get_github_topics <- function(full_names = get_github_full_names()) {

  repos <- lapply(full_names, FUN = function(full_name) {
    topics <- try(silent = TRUE, gh::gh(
    endpoint = "GET /repos/:full_name/topics",
    full_name = full_name,
    .send_headers = c(Accept = "application/vnd.github.mercy-preview+json")

  if (! inherits(topics, "try-error")) {

    topics_vector <- unlist(topics$names)

    if(length(topics_vector) > 0) {

    tibble::tibble(full_name = full_name,
                   topics = topics_vector)
    } else {
      tibble::tibble(full_name = full_name,
                     topics = NA_character_)

  } else {

    tibble::tibble(full_name = full_name,
                   topics = NA_character_)




#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
get_github_full_names <- function(github_repos = get_github_repos()) {
  vapply(github_repos, "[[", "", "full_name")

#' Helper function: Get Github Metadata For Repos
#' @param group organisation (default: "KWB-R")
#' @param github_token default: Sys.getenv("GITHUB_PAT")
#' @param dbg should debug messages be printed? (default: TRUE)
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to gh:::gh_build_request(), see
#' https://developer.github.com/v3/ (e.g. type = "public")
#' @importFrom gh gh
#' @export
get_github_repos <- function (group = "KWB-R",
                              github_token = Sys.getenv("GITHUB_PAT"),
                              dbg = TRUE,
                              ...) {

  msg <- sprintf(paste("\nFetching Github metadata for",
                        "repos of organisation '%s' at '%s'"),
                 sprintf("https://github.com/%s/", group))

                       expr = {
  gh_repos <- gh::gh(endpoint = sprintf("GET /orgs/%s/repos?per_page=100",
                                      group), .token = github_token,
  dbg = dbg)


#' Write Github Metadata to JSON
#' @param github_repos  as retrieved by get_github_repos(), default:
#' get_github_repos()
#' @param file path where to save github.json (default: file.path(getwd(),
#' "github.json"))
#' @param dbg should debug messages be printed? (default: TRUE)
#' @return writes "github.json"
#' @importFrom jsonlite toJSON write_json
#' @importFrom kwb.utils catAndRun
#' @export
write_github_repos_json <- function(github_repos = get_github_repos(),
                                  file = file.path(getwd(), "github.json"),
                               dbg = TRUE) {

  repo_html_url <- vapply(github_repos, "[[", "", "html_url")
  repo_html_url <- repo_html_url[order(repo_html_url)]
  repo_names <- vapply(github_repos, "[[", "", "name")
  repo_names <- repo_names[order(repo_names)]

  n_repos <- length(repo_names)

  kwb.utils::catAndRun(sprintf("Writting '%s' file for %d repos:\n%s",
                               paste0("- ",
                                      ": ",
                                      collapse = "\n")),
                       expr = {
                         jsonlite::write_json(github_repos, file)
                       dbg = dbg
KWB-R/pkgmeta documentation built on March 27, 2024, 4:28 p.m.