API for KWB-R/wasserportal
R Package with Functions for Scraping Data of Wasserportal Berlin

Global functions
%>% Man page
add_wasserportal_metadata Source code
as_date_de Source code
assert_date Source code
base_url_download Man page Source code
clean_timestamp_columns Source code
columns_to_labels Man page Source code
date_string_de Source code
extract_hrefs Source code
get_api_tables Man page Source code
get_daily_surfacewater_data Man page Source code
get_groundwater_data Man page Source code
get_groundwater_options Man page
get_non_external_station_ids Source code
get_overview_options Man page Source code
get_station_variables Man page Source code
get_stations Man page Source code
get_surfacewater_qualities Man page Source code
get_surfacewater_quality Man page Source code
get_surfacewater_variables Man page Source code
get_text_response_of_httr_request Source code
get_url_and_body_for_groundwater_data_download Source code
get_wasserportal_master_data Man page Source code
get_wasserportal_masters_data Man page Source code
get_wasserportal_stations Man page Source code
get_wasserportal_stations_table Man page
get_wasserportal_text Source code
get_wasserportal_url Source code
get_wasserportal_variables Man page Source code
is_external_link Source code
list_data_to_csv_or_zip Man page Source code
list_masters_data_to_csv Man page Source code
list_timeseries_data_to_zip Man page Source code
merge_raw_results_daily Source code
merge_raw_results_monthly Source code
merge_raw_results_single Source code
print_invalid_hrefs Source code
read Man page Source code
readPackageFile Man page Source code
read_wasserportal Man page Source code
read_wasserportal_raw Man page Source code
read_wasserportal_raw_gw Man page Source code
remove_remaining_duplicates Source code
remove_timestep_outliers Source code
repair_wasserportal_timestamps Source code
split_into_lines Source code
stop_if_not_all_in Source code
stop_on_external_data_provider Source code
to_base_filename Source code
url_parameter_string Source code
warning_not_implemented Source code
wasserportal_base_url Man page Source code
wp_data_to_list Source code
wp_masters_data_to_list Man page Source code
wp_timeseries_data_to_list Man page Source code
KWB-R/wasserportal documentation built on June 6, 2024, 10:26 a.m.