
Defines functions warning_not_implemented merge_raw_results_monthly merge_raw_results_daily merge_raw_results_single read_wasserportal

Documented in read_wasserportal

# read_wasserportal ------------------------------------------------------------

#' Download and Read Data from wasserportal.berlin.de
#' This function downloads and reads CSV files from wasserportal.berlin.de.
#' The original timestamps (column \code{timestamps_raw} in the example below)
#' are not all plausible, e.g. "31.03.2019 03:00" appears twice! They are
#' corrected (column \code{timestamp_corr}) to represent a plausible sequence of
#' timestamps in Berlin Normal Time (UTC+01) Finally, a valid POSIXct timestamp
#' in timezone "Berlin/Europe" (UTC+01 in winter, UTC+02 in summer) is created,
#' together with the additional information on the UTC offset (column
#' \code{UTCOffset}, 1 in winter, 2 in summer).
#' @param station station number, as found in column "Messstellennummer" of the
#'   data frame returned by \code{\link{get_stations}(type = "crosstable")}
#' @param variables vector of variable identifiers, as returned by
#'   \code{\link{get_station_variables}}
#' @param from_date \code{Date} object (or string in format "yyyy-mm-dd" that
#'   can be converted to a \code{Date} object representing the first day for
#'   which to request data. Default: \code{as.character(Sys.Date() - 90L)}
#' @param type one of "single" (the default), "daily", "monthly"
#' @param include_raw_time if \code{TRUE} the original time column and the
#'   column with the corrected winter time are included in the output. The
#'   default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param stations_crosstable data frame as returned by
#'   \code{\link{get_stations}(type = "crosstable")}
#' @return data frame read from the CSV file that the download provides.
#'   IMPORTANT: It is not yet clear how to interpret the timestamp, see example
#' @importFrom httr handle_find
#' @importFrom utils read.table
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Get a list of available water quality stations and variables
#' stations_crosstable <- wasserportal::get_stations(type = "crosstable")
#' # Set the start date
#' from_date <- "2021-03-01"
#' # Read the timeseries (multiple variables for one station)
#' water_quality <- wasserportal::read_wasserportal(
#'   station = stations_crosstable$Messstellennummer[1L],
#'   from_date = from_date,
#'   include_raw_time = TRUE,
#'   stations_crosstable = stations_crosstable
#' )
#' # Look at the first few records
#' head(water_quality)
#' # Check the metadata
#' #kwb.utils::getAttribute(water_quality, "metadata")
#' # Set missing values to NA
#' water_quality[water_quality == -777] <- NA
#' # Look at the first few records again
#' head(water_quality)
#' ### How was the original timestamp interpreted?
#' # Determine the days at which summer time starts and ends, respectively
#' from_year <- as.integer(substr(from_date, 1L, 4L))
#' switches <- kwb.datetime::date_range_CEST(from_year)
#' # Reformat to dd.mm.yyyy
#' switches <- kwb.datetime::reformatTimestamp(switches, "%Y-%m-%d", "%d.%m.%Y")
#' # Define a pattern to look for timestamps "around" the switches
#' pattern <- paste(switches, "0[1-4]", collapse = "|")
#' # Look at the data for these timestamps
#' water_quality[grepl(pattern, water_quality$timestamp_raw), ]
#' # The original timestamps (timestamps_raw) were not all plausible, e.g.
#' # for March 2019. This seems to have been fixed by the "wasserportal"!
#' sum(water_quality$timestamp_raw != water_quality$timestamp_corr)
#' }
read_wasserportal <- function(
  variables = NULL,
  from_date = as.character(Sys.Date() - 90L),
  type = "single",
  include_raw_time = FALSE,

  #station <- "5825500"
  #variables <- c("ows", "odf")
  #from_date <- as.character(Sys.Date() - 90L)
  #type = "single"
  #include_raw_time = FALSE
  #stations_crosstable <- get_stations(type = "crosstable")

  station_ids <- select_columns(stations_crosstable, "Messstellennummer")

  station_info <- stations_crosstable[station_ids == station, , drop = FALSE]

  variable_ids <- get_station_variables(station_info)

  if (is.null(variables)) {
    variables <- variable_ids

  stop_if_not_all_in(station, station_ids, type = "station id")
  stop_if_not_all_in(variables, variable_ids, type = "variable code")

  names(variables) <- names(variable_ids)[match(variables, variable_ids)]

  handle <- httr::handle_find(wasserportal_base_url())

  dfs <- lapply(variables, function(variable) {
    #variable <- variables[1L]
      station = station,
      from_date = from_date,
      type = type,
      include_raw_time = include_raw_time,
      handle = handle,
      stations_crosstable = stations_crosstable

  # Remove elements of class "response" that are returned in case of an error
  failed <- sapply(dfs, function(df) {
    is_try_error(df) || inherits(df, "response") || length(df) == 0

  if (any(failed)) {
        "Removing %d elements that are empty or failed (variables: %s)",
      expr = {
        failures <- dfs[failed]
        dfs <- dfs[! failed]

  if (length(dfs) == 0) {
    message("No remaining data frames. Returning NULL.")

  result <- if (type == "single") {

    merge_raw_results_single(dfs, variables, include_raw_time)

  } else if (type == "daily") {


  } else if (type == "monthly") {


  } else {

    stop("type must be one of 'single', 'daily', 'monthly'")

  metadata <- lapply(dfs, get_attribute, "metadata")

    metadata = metadata,
    failures = if (any(failed)) failures

# merge_raw_results_single -----------------------------------------------------
merge_raw_results_single <- function(dfs, variables, include_raw_time)
  date_vectors <- lapply(dfs, select_columns, "LocalDateTime")

  if (length(variables) > 1 && ! all_are_identical(date_vectors)) {
    message("Not all requests return the same timestamp column:")
    print_if(TRUE, lengths(date_vectors))

  keys <- c(
    if (include_raw_time) c("timestamp_raw", "timestamp_corr"),

  backbones <- lapply(dfs, select_columns, keys, drop = FALSE)

  backbone <- unique(do.call(rbind, backbones))

  backbone <- backbone[order(backbone$LocalDateTime), , drop = FALSE]

  backbone$row <- seq_len(nrow(backbone))

  data_frames <- c(list(base = backbone), dfs)

  result <- merge_all(data_frames, by = keys, all.x = TRUE, dbg = FALSE)

  result <- remove_columns(result[order(result$row), ], "row.base")

  names(result) <- gsub("Einzelwert\\.", "", names(result))

  utc_offset <- kwb.datetime::utcOffset(
    LocalDateTime = format(result$LocalDateTime),
    DateTimeUTC = format(result$LocalDateTime, tz = "UTC")

  insert_columns(result, after = "LocalDateTime", UTCOffset = utc_offset)

# merge_raw_results_daily ------------------------------------------------------
merge_raw_results_daily <- function(dfs)

# merge_raw_results_monthly ----------------------------------------------------
merge_raw_results_monthly <- function(dfs)

# warning_not_implemented ------------------------------------------------------
warning_not_implemented <- function(x)
  warning(x, " is not yet implemented. Returning raw data")
KWB-R/wasserportal documentation built on June 6, 2024, 10:26 a.m.