
Defines functions get_url_and_body_for_groundwater_data_download read_wasserportal_raw_gw

Documented in read_wasserportal_raw_gw

# read_wasserportal_raw_gw -----------------------------------------------------

#' read_wasserportal_raw_gw
#' @param station station id
#' @param stype "gws" or "gwq"
#' @param type "single" or "single_all" (if stype = "gwq")
#' @param from_date (default: "")
#' @param include_raw_time default: FALSE
#' @param handle default: NULL
#' @param as_text if TRUE, the raw text that is returned by the HTTP request to
#'   the Wasserportal is returned by this function. Otherwise (the default)
#'   the raw text is tried to be interpreted as comma separated values and a
#'   corresponding data frame is returned. Use as_text = TRUE to analyse the raw
#'   text in case that an error occurs when trying to convert the text to a data
#'   frame.
#' @param dbg logical indicating whether or not to show debug messages. The
#'   default is FALSE
#' @return data.frame with values
#' @export
#' @importFrom stringr str_remove str_extract
#' @importFrom tidyr pivot_longer
#' @importFrom dplyr select filter mutate
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' read_wasserportal_raw_gw(station = 149, stype = "gws")
#' read_wasserportal_raw_gw(station = 149, stype = "gwq")
#' }
read_wasserportal_raw_gw <- function(
    station = 149,
    stype = "gws",
    type = "single_all",
    from_date = "",
    include_raw_time = FALSE,
    handle = NULL,
    as_text = FALSE,
    dbg = FALSE
  # Prepare URL and body for HTTP request
  info <- get_url_and_body_for_groundwater_data_download(
    stype, type, station, from_date

  text <- get_text_response_of_httr_request(
    url = info$url,
    method = "POST",
    body = info$body,
    handle = handle,
    dbg = dbg

  # Split the text into separate lines
  textlines <- split_into_lines(text)

  # Return the HTML text lines if requested
  if (as_text) {

  date_pattern <- "Datum"
  start_line <- which(startsWith(textlines, date_pattern))

  if (length(start_line) == 0L) {
      "Could not find the header row (starting with '%s')",

  textlines <- textlines[start_line:length(textlines)]

  # Split the header row into fields
  header_fields <- as.character(read(textlines[1L])) %>%

  # Return empty list with metadata if no data rows are available
  if (length(textlines) == 1L) {
    return(add_wasserportal_metadata(list(), header_fields))

  # Read the data rows
  data <- read(text, header = FALSE, skip = start_line)

  # Get the numbers of the data columns
  if (type != "monthly" && stype == "gws") {
    stopifnot(ncol(data) == 2L)

  # Name the data columns as given in the first columns of the header row
  names(data) <- header_fields[seq_len(ncol(data))]

  stype_options <- list(
    gws = list(
      par_remove_pattern = "\\s+\\(.*\\)",
      unit_extract_pattern = "\\(.*\\)",
      unit_remove_pattern = "\\(|\\)"
    gwq = list(
      par_remove_pattern = "\\s+\\[.*\\]",
      unit_extract_pattern = "\\[.*\\]",
      unit_remove_pattern = "\\[|\\]"

  if (stype %in% names(stype_options)) {

    opts <- stype_options[[stype]]

    data <- data %>%
        cols = setdiff(names(data), "Datum"),
        names_to = "parameter_unit",
        values_to = "Messwert"
      ) %>%
        Messstellennummer = station,
        Parameter = stringr::str_remove(
          pattern = opts$par_remove_pattern
        Einheit = stringr::str_extract(
          pattern = opts$unit_extract_pattern
        ) %>%
            pattern = opts$unit_remove_pattern
      ) %>%
      dplyr::filter(!is.na(.data$Messwert)) %>%

  # Format the date field to German format (dd.mm.yyyy)
  data[["Datum"]] <- as_date_de(data[["Datum"]])

  # Return the data frame with the additional fields of the header row as
  # meta information in attribute "metadata"
  add_wasserportal_metadata(data, header_fields)

# get_url_and_body_for_groundwater_data_download -------------------------------
get_url_and_body_for_groundwater_data_download <- function(
    stype, type, station, from_date, api_version = 2L
  sreihe <- if (stype == "gwq") {


  } else {

    select_elements(elements = type, x = list(
      single = "w",
      single_all = "wa",
      daily = "m",
      monthly = "j"


  download_shortcuts <- list(gws = "g", gwq = "q")

  download_shortcut <- if (stype %in% names(download_shortcuts)) {
  } else {

  # Format the start date
  if (from_date != "") {
    sdatum <- date_string_de(from_date)

  if (sreihe == "wa") {
    sdatum <- "01.01.1850"

  # Format the end date (today)
  senddatum <- date_string_de(Sys.Date())

  if (api_version == 1L) {

    url_parameters <- list(
      anzeige = download_shortcut,
      sstation = station

    # Compose the body of the request
    body <- list(
      sreihe = sreihe,
      smode = "c",
      sdatum = sdatum,
      senddatum = senddatum,
      sthema = "gw"

  } else {

    url_parameters <- list(
      anzeige = "d", # download
      station = station,
      sreihe = sreihe,
      smode = "c", # data format (= csv?)
      thema = stype,
      exportthema = "gw",
      sdatum = sdatum,
      senddatum = senddatum

    body <- list()

    url = paste0(
      do.call(url_parameter_string, url_parameters)
    body = body
KWB-R/wasserportal documentation built on June 6, 2024, 10:26 a.m.