importRAM: importRAM: Imports and compiles views for wetland RAM data...

View source: R/importRAM.R

importRAMR Documentation

importRAM: Imports and compiles views for wetland RAM data package


This function imports RAM-related tables in the wetland RAM backend and combines them into flattened views for the data package. Each view is added to a VIEWS_RAM environment in your workspace, or to your global environment based on whether new_env = TRUE or FALSE.


  export_protected = FALSE,
  type = c("DSN", "file"),
  odbc = "RAM_BE",
  db_path = NA,
  new_env = TRUE,
  export_data = FALSE,
  export_path = NA,
  zip = FALSE



Logical. If TRUE, all records are exported. If FALSE (Default), only non-protected species are exported.


Select whether to use the default Data Source Named database (DSN) to import data or a different database. If "DSN" is selected, must specify name in odbc argument.


Default. DSN database. If odbc argument is not specified, will default to "RAM_BE"


A different database than default DSN


Import csv views that have already been compiled as data package.


DSN of the database when using type = DSN. If not specified will default to "RAM_BE", which is the back end of the MS Access RAM database.


Quoted path of database back end file, including the name of the backend.


Logical. Specifies which environment to store views in. If TRUE(Default), stores views in VIEWS_RAM environment. If FALSE, stores views in global environment


Logical. If TRUE, writes views to disk. If FALSE (Default), views are only stored in specified R environment.


Quoted path to export views to. If blank, exports to working directory.


Logical. If TRUE, exports a zip file. If FALSE (Default), exports individual csvs.


Assigns RAM views to specified environment


## Not run: 
# Import tables from database in specific folder:
importRAM(type = 'file', path = './Data/NETN_RAM_Backend.mdb')

# Import ODBC named database into global env with protected species
importRAM(type = 'DSN', odbc = "RAM_BE", new_env = F, export_protected = T)

## End(Not run)

KateMMiller/wetlandACAD documentation built on Sept. 29, 2024, 12:54 a.m.