#' @title Snap Points to Lines
#' @description This function snaps a set of points to a set of lines based on the minimum distance of each point to any of the lines. This function does not work with geographic coordinates. This function replaces the maptools::snapPointsToLines because it stopped working correctly
#' @author Kevin See
#' @param points An object of the class SpatialPoints or SpatialPointsDataFrame.
#' @param lines An object of the class SpatialLines or SpatialLinesDataFrame.
#' @param maxDist Numeric value for establishing a maximum distance to avoid snapping points that are farther apart; its default value is NA.
#' @param withAttrs Boolean value for preserving (TRUE) or getting rid (FALSE) of the original point attributes. Default: TRUE. This parameter is optional.
#' @param idField A string specifying the field which contains each line's id. This id will be transferred to the snapped points data set to distinguish the line which each point was snapped to.
#' @import rgeos sp maptools
#' @return SpatialPointsDataFrame object as defined by the R package 'sp'. This object contains the snapped points, therefore all of them lie on the lines.
#' @export
snapPointsToLines_v2 <- function( points,
maxDist = 0.1,
withAttrs = TRUE,
idField = NA) {
if (rgeosStatus()) {
if (!requireNamespace("rgeos", quietly = TRUE))
stop("package rgeos required for snapPointsToLines")
} else
stop("rgeos not installed")
if (class(points) == "SpatialPoints" && missing(withAttrs))
withAttrs = FALSE
if (class(points) == "SpatialPoints" && withAttrs==TRUE)
stop("A SpatialPoints object has no attributes! Please set withAttrs as FALSE.")
d = rgeos::gDistance(points, lines, byid=TRUE)
distToLine <- apply(d, 2, min, na.rm = TRUE)
validPoints <- distToLine <= maxDist # indicates which points are within maxDist of a line
distToPoint <- apply(d, 1, min, na.rm = TRUE)
validLines <- distToPoint <= maxDist
# Drop elements beyond maxdist
points <- points[validPoints, ]
lines = lines[validLines, ]
d = d[ validLines, validPoints, drop = FALSE]
distToLine <- distToLine[validPoints]
# If no points are within maxDist return an empty SpatialPointsDataFrame object
idCol = character(0)
} else {
idCol = lines@data[,idField][0]
newCols = data.frame(nearest_line_id = idCol, snap_dist = numeric(0))
if(withAttrs) df <- cbind(points@data, newCols) else df <- newCols
res <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(points, data=df,
proj4string=CRS(proj4string(points)), match.ID = FALSE)
} else { # If no maxDist arg still calculate distToLine so it can be returned
distToLine = apply(d, 2, min, na.rm = TRUE)
nearest_line_index = apply(d, 2, which.min) # Position of each nearest line in lines object
coordsLines = coordinates(lines)
coordsPoints = coordinates(points)
# Get coordinates of nearest points lying on nearest lines
mNewCoords = vapply(1:length(points),
coordsPoints[x,]), FUN.VALUE=c(0,0))
# Recover lines' Ids (If no id field has been specified, take the sp-lines id)
if (!is.na(idField)) {
nearest_line_id = lines@data[,idField][nearest_line_index]
} else {
nearest_line_id = sapply(slot(lines, "lines"), function(i) slot(i, "ID"))[nearest_line_index]
# Create data frame and sp points
if (withAttrs) df = cbind(points@data,
data.frame(nearest_line_id, snap_dist = distToLine))
else df = data.frame(nearest_line_id,
snap_dist = distToLine,
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