
# Author: Kevin See
# Purpose: create a hexagon sticker as a logo for R package
# Created: 2/1/2021
# Last Modified: 2/1/2021
# Notes: Based on hexSticker package. GitHub site:

# load needed libraries
# library(tidyverse)

# Biomark colors
# Primary
# dark blue
# light blue
# black
# gray

# Secondary
# orange
# green
# dark blue
# yellow

# Tertiary
# orange
# green
# blue
# yellow

# image to use
img_path = "analysis/figures/fish_ladder_trans.png"

# nm_color = "#F28031"
nm_color = "#282D46"

# create a logo sticker and save it
s = sticker(magick::image_read(img_path),
            s_x = 1,
            s_y = 0.75,
            s_width = 1,
            s_height = 1,
            package = "STADEM",
            p_size = 9,
            p_family = "sans",
            p_fontface = "bold",
            p_color = nm_color,
            # p_y = 0.6,
            h_fill = "#ECA154",
            h_color = nm_color,
            filename = "analysis/figures/STADEM.png")

KevinSee/STADEM documentation built on Oct. 9, 2024, 10:49 a.m.