compareCLASS: Combine classification results

View source: R/compareCLASS.R

compareCLASSR Documentation

Combine classification results


this function takes multiple classifications of the same data and compares the agreement between each, on a timepoint level.


compareCLASS(date, classifications)



datetime in POSIXCT format. See hoopoe$activity$date for example


a dataframe containing the results from different classifications in each column. The classifications must correspond to the same datetimes.


a dataframe containing date

the raw classifications

each state with the number of times it was used in a classification

whether or not all classes provided the same state


## Import data
#start = as.POSIXct("2016-07-01","%Y-%m-%d", tz="UTC")
#end = as.POSIXct("2017-06-01","%Y-%m-%d", tz="UTC")
#PAM_data= cutPAM(hoopoe,start,end)

## perform one classification using classifyFLAP
#classification = classifyFLAP(dta = PAM_data$acceleration, period = 12)
## Put the classification in the same resolution as pressure
#class1 = classification2PAM(from = classification$timetable$start,
#                            to = classification$timetable$end,
#                            # because the timetable only contains migration periods
#                            classification = rep_len(1,length(classification$timetable$end)),
#                            addTO = PAM_data$pressure)
## Convert to categories
#class1 = ifelse(class1 == classification$migration, "Migration", "Other")

## Perform another classification using pressure difference
#class2 = c(0,ifelse(abs(diff(PAM_data$pressure$obs))>2, "Migration", "Other"))

## both classes have been converted to the same time intervals as pressure,
#date = PAM_data$pressure$date

## Combine the classifications into a dataframe
#classifications = data.frame(flap = class1, # flapping classification
#                            Pdiff = class2) # pressure difference classification

#class_comparison = compareCLASS(date=date,
#                                classifications=classifications)

#     PAM_data$pressure$obs,
#     type = "l",
#     xlab = "Date",
#     ylab = "Pressure (hPa)",
#     col = "royalblue3")

#       PAM_data$pressure$obs,
#      cex = class_comparison$Migration / 2,
#       col ="orange",
#       pch = 16)

KiranLDA/PAMLr documentation built on March 6, 2023, 1:40 p.m.