
Defines functions parse_iso_objects iso_find_objects round_interval_digits n_interval_digits wrap_function_name

Documented in iso_find_objects

# utility functions

# function to wrap functio names for problem reporting
wrap_function_name <- function(string, max_length, divider = "_", newline = "\n") {
  pieces <- stringr::str_split(string, divider)
  nchars <- purrr::map(pieces, ~cumsum(nchar(.x)))
  cuts <- purrr::map(nchars, ~c(0, diff(floor(.x/max_length))))
  purrr::map2_chr(cuts, pieces, ~stringr::str_c(stringr::str_c(ifelse(.x == 1, newline, ""), .y), collapse = divider))

# calculate number of reasonable digits for an interval
n_interval_digits <- function(interval, diff_sigs = 2) {
  return(-floor(log10(diff(sort(interval)))) + diff_sigs)
# round interval depending on its range
round_interval_digits <- function(interval, diff_sigs = 2) {
  n_digits <- n_interval_digits(interval, diff_sigs = diff_sigs)
  round(interval, n_digits)

#' Find iso objects
#' Finds all iso file objects in the provided environment (the global environment by default).
#' @param env where to look for iso objects, by default the global environment
#' @return list of found iso objects (all types) and their values
#' @export
iso_find_objects <- function(env = .GlobalEnv) {

  # all objects
  objs <-
    ls(envir = env) %>%
    rlang::set_names() %>%
  return(objs[purrr::map_lgl(objs, isoreader::iso_is_object)])

# parse iso objects into the different classes
parse_iso_objects <- function(iso_objs) {
  # data frame of information
    type = purrr::map_chr(iso_objs, ~{
      if (isoreader::iso_is_continuous_flow(.x))  "continuous flow"
      else if (isoreader::iso_is_dual_inlet(.x)) "dual inlet"
      else if (isoreader::iso_is_scan(.x)) "scan"
      else NA_character_
    variable = names(iso_objs),
    obj = iso_objs,
    n_files = purrr::map_int(iso_objs, length),
    size = purrr::map_chr(iso_objs, ~format(object.size(.x), unit = "auto"))
KopfLab/isoviewer documentation built on July 16, 2021, 1:21 a.m.