Man pages for KrasnitzLab/CNprep
Pre-process DNA Copy Number (CN) Data for Detection of CN Events

annotexampleAnnotation table for ROMA CGH platform and human genome...
applyCNPmaskApply a mask to a table of copy number events.
breakIntoCNPs.chromDetermine which segments have to be removed and redistribute...
breakIntoGapsRedistribute probes/bins in removed segments into the...
cnpexampleExample of a boundary positions table.
CNprep-packageCNprep: Pre-process DNA Copy Number (CN) Data for Detection...
CNpreprocessingPre-process DNA copy number (CN) data for detection of CN...
consolidateJoin clusters until the minimum degree of overlap is reached
containment.indicatorIdenfication oflower threshold segments to retain
EMexampleA model-based clustering
get.centerGroup clusters together until the main cluster contain the...
makeCNPmaskGiven a set of copy-number events, create a DNA copy-number...
makeCNPmask.chromGiven a set of copy-number events, create a DNA copy-number...
normsegsA reference set of segments
ratexampleExample of copy number log ratio dataset
segexampleExample of a segmented copy number table
segsampleCalculate the median of the sampled copy number values from...
smadCalculate the median absolute deviation of the values from a...
smedianCalculate the median of the values from a contiguous...
smedian.sampleCalculate the median of the sampled values with replacement...
smedmadCalculate the median and median absolute deviation of the...
validateCNpreprocessingParameters validation for the 'CNpreprocessing' function
validateMakeCNPmaskParameters validation for the 'makeCNPmask' function
weighted.medianCalculate the lower weighted median of a specified vector.
KrasnitzLab/CNprep documentation built on May 28, 2022, 8:32 p.m.