smedian.sample: Calculate the median of the sampled values with replacement...

View source: R/smedian.sample.R

smedian.sampleR Documentation

Calculate the median of the sampled values with replacement from a contiguous subsection of specified vector.


Calculate the median of the sampled values with replacement from a specified vector. Only a contiguous subsection of the vector is used for the sampling, as the first and last position are set by user.


smedian.sample(pos, v)



a vector of 2 integer that represent the first and last positions of vector v to used for the sampling step.


a vector of double containing the values used for sampling. However, only a subsection of the vector, as set by pos, is used.


a double which is the median of the sampled values.


Alexander Krasnitz, Guoli Sun


## A vector with the first and last positions to subset the value vector
position <- c(1, 10)

## A value vector used to do sampling with replacement
values <- c(0.072073840, 0.119913919, 0.154459489, 0.040994620, 
    -0.082843732, 0.093052725, 0.170908930, 0.086624752, -0.003855011, 
    -0.195791649, 0.012126180, 0.043428961, 0.028435453, 0.075708220, 

## Calculate the median of the sampled values from the sampled vector
CNprep:::smedian.sample(pos=position, v=values)

KrasnitzLab/CNprep documentation built on May 28, 2022, 8:32 p.m.