Group clusters together until the main cluster contain the...

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get.centerR Documentation

Group clusters together until the main cluster contain the minimum required ratio of data.


The function groups clusters with the mean value closer to z zero together until the main cluster contain the minimum required ratio of data, as specified by the user.

Usage, minCenter)



a list containing information about the current clusters obtained from a mixture model estimation:

  • mu a numeric vector representing the mean for each component. If there is more than one component, the kth element is the mean of the kth component of the mixture model.

  • pro a vector whose kth component is the mixing proportion for the kth component of the mixture model. If missing, equal proportions are assumed.

  • z a numeric matrix whose [i,k]th entry is the probability that observation i in the test data belongs to the kth class.

  • groups a matrix with the number of rows corresponding to the current number of clusters while the number of columns is corresponding to the initial number of clusters. The presence of 1 in position [i,k] indicates that the initial ith cluster is now part of the new kth cluster.

  • ngroups a numeric, used as an integer, giving the final number of clusters.

  • sigmasq a numeric vector giving the common variance for each component in the mixture model "E".


a single numeric value between 0 and 1 specifying the minimal share of the central cluster in each profile.


a list containing information about the current clusters obtained from a mixture model estimation:

  • mu a numeric vector representing the mean for each component. If there is more than one component, the kth element is the mean of the kth component of the mixture model.

  • pro a vector whose kth component is the mixing proportion for the kth component of the mixture model. If missing, equal proportions are assumed.

  • z a numeric matrix whose [i,k]th entry is the probability that observation i in the test data belongs to the kth class.

  • groups a matrix with the number of rows corresponding to the current number of clusters while the number of columns is corresponding to the initial number of clusters. The presence of 1 in position [k,i] indicates that the initial ith cluster is now part of the new kth cluster.

  • ngroups a numeric, used as an integer, giving the final number of clusters.

  • sigmasq a numeric vector giving the common variance for each component in the mixture model "E".

  • center a numeric, used as an integer, indicating the cluster that has the mean closest to zero.


Alexander Krasnitz, Guoli Sun


## Create a list with mixture model estimation data containing 5 clusters
demoEM <- list()
demoEM[["mu"]] <- c(-0.23626, -0.08108, -0.02205, 0.03059, 0.24482)
demoEM[["pro"]] <- rep(0.2, 5)
demoEM[["z"]] <- matrix(data=c(1.19e-118, 2.81e-25, 5.87e-08, 9.99e-1,  
    1.86e-52, 2.03e-117, 9.19e-25, 1.02e-07, 9.99e-01, 1.92e-53, 1.00e+0, 
    1.34e-23, 1.72e-50, 1.08e-82, 6.45e-295, 1.00e+00, 1.39e-20, 2.51e-46, 
    1.67e-77, 1.47e-285, 8.86e-63, 1.21e-04, 9.99e-01, 1.89e-05, 7.93e-106,
    7.59e-60, 7.76e-04, 9.99e-01, 3.60e-06, 1.75e-109, 0.00e+0, 1.61e-147, 
    1.08e-98, 2.31e-63, 1.00e+0, 0.00e+0, 1.18e-147, 8.37e-99, 1.88e-63, 
    1.00e+0, 3.51e-75, 9.79e-01, 4.55e-08, 2.06-02, 2.14e-90, 7.07e-79,
    8.58e-01, 3.96e-09,  1.41e-01, 6.42e-86), ncol=5, byrow=TRUE)
demoEM[["groups"]] <- diag(x=1, nrow=5, ncol=5, names=TRUE)
demoEM[["ngroups"]] <- 5
demoEM[["sigmasq"]] <- rep(1.533e-3, 5)

## Group clusters until the minimum proportion of 40% of the data is in
## the main cluster. The main cluster being defined as the one closer to
## a value of zero.
result <-, minCenter=0.4)

## The result contain only 4 clusters as the clusters 3 and 4 have been
## grouped together to form a cluster that includes 40% of the data (group 3)

KrasnitzLab/CNprep documentation built on May 28, 2022, 8:32 p.m.