prob_plot: Visualisation of a probability density function.

Description Usage Arguments Value


A helper function to add a graph and mark an area corresponding to some probability.


prob_plot(x, y, .plot = NULL, .colour = "black", .lty = 1,
  .size = 0.7, .alpha = 0.7, .lower = NULL, .upper = NULL, ...)



A vector with the values to be used along the first axis.


A vector with the values along the second axis.


The plot upon which additional information should be added. A new plot will be created if the default value NULL is used.


The colour-value to be used for the graph, default value "black".


The lty-value to be used for the graph, default value 1.


The size-value to be used for the graph, default value 0.7.


The alpha-value to be used for the graph, default value 0.7.


Default value NULL. To be used when a lower end of the area is desired. If this argument is NULL and an upper end is specified in .upper, then this argument will be reset to the lowest value given in x.


Default value NULL. To be used when an upper end of the area is desired. If this argument is NULL and a lower end is specified in .lower, then this argument will be reset to the highest value given in x.


Other arguments passed on to the plot of the area, like fill = "red", colour = "red", alpha = 0.6 or size = 0.1.


A plot showing a graph (given by x and y). If at least one of .lower and .upper are different from NULL, then a shaded area representing a probability will be added too. Additional graphs/areas can be added iteratively by the help of the .plot-argument.

LAJordanger/HVLstatistikk documentation built on June 21, 2019, 7:56 p.m.