test_shiny: Shiny app to be used for some simple investigations.

Description Usage Arguments Value


This function opens an interactive Shiny-application that can be used to explain some of the learning outcomes.


test_shiny(distribution = list(type = "normal", mean = -2:2, sd = c(0.1,
  0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8)), n_max = 250, R_max = 1000, seed = NULL)



A list that gives details related to the distribution that will be used for the example of interest. The list must contain the name of the desired distribution and a specification of the required parameters. Note that it is possible to give a vector of values for the parameters.


An integer, default value 250 that specifies the highest number of observations that will be sampled from the distribution specified in distribution.


An integer, default value 1000, that specifies the highest number of replicates of samples of size at most n_max from the distribution specified in distribution.


An integer that can be used to specify a seed-value to be used when sampling (in order to obtain reproducibility). The default value NULL turns of the part of the code that sets the seed.


An interactive shiny application will be loaded (if data_dir points to a relevant directory containing the desired data).

LAJordanger/HVLstatistikk documentation built on June 21, 2019, 7:56 p.m.