LG_shiny_S_input: Create the spectrum-specific part of the...

View source: R/LG_shiny_S_input.R

LG_shiny_S_inputR Documentation

Create the spectrum-specific part of the LG_shiny-interface.


This internal function is used to update the interface created by LG_shiny, in order for the investigation to focus on the local Gaussian (auto- and cross-) spectra.


LG_shiny_S_input(.env, .env2)



The environment where the original arguments given to LG_shiny lives, i.e. arguments like main_dir and data_dir.


The environment containing the two lists input and output.


This function creates the actionButtons needed for the spectrum-specific part of the LG_shiny-interface. This includes the selection of the type of spectrum to investigate (auto- or cross-spectrum, with possible complex-valued results), and the arguments to be used when computing the different spectra (frequency-range, truncation point and lag-window-function).


This function creates the two output-nodes, "spectrum_type" and "spectrum_arguments". Both nodes will be created in the initial phase, whereas only the "spectrum_type" needs to be updated later on (since different spectra will occur depending on auto- and cross-versions of the spectra, and points on or off the diagonal). The internal workings of this function thus requires a comparison of old and new input-parameters. Note that all of these are equal in the initiation phase.

LAJordanger/localgaussSpec documentation built on May 6, 2023, 4:31 a.m.