Man pages for LBMC/criblejurkat
Analysis of FACS data for the Jurkat crible project

analysisperform all the analysis for a set of data sets
anova_lmbuild lm model between drugs accounting for batch effect
anova_rlmbuild rlm model between drugs accounting for batch effect
flowset2dataframeconvert annotated flowSet to data.frame
get_filesget list of file from a folder
load_annotationread annotation.csv files in a folder
load_dataread fcs files in a folder
mk_outdircreate outdir
move_none_wellconvert data from anova_rlm to well position in chemical data...
plot_columnplot the ratio distribution per column
plot_lineplot the ratio distribution per line
plot_wellplot the ratio distribution per well
project_nameget project name
rm_debrisremove debris from data
rm_nonfluoremove outliers on fluorecence channels
rm_nonsingletsremove non singlets
scaled_pvalplot the ratio distribution per well
set_analysisperform all the analysis for a given data set
split_lmsplit lm model by chunck with biglm
LBMC/criblejurkat documentation built on Sept. 13, 2020, 7:58 p.m.