EditHunterInput: Edit input file for the Hunter model

Description Usage Arguments Details Value


Some of the input parameters for the hunter model are given as individual values to each object. This is controlled via the Hunter_Hunting_Locations.txt file and EditHunterInput will apply changes to specified inputs.


EditHunterInput(file = NULL, hhlpath = NULL, parameter = NULL,
  change = NULL, weekbehav = 0, huntersubset = "all")



character Path to the existing Hunter_Hunting_Locations.txt file


character Path to an existing Hunter_Hunting_Locations.txt file


character Name of parameter to apply change to


numeric The change to apply. See details


numeric The weekly hunting behaviour. See details


character Should the behaviour of all hunters be modified? See details


change gives the proportion of hunters which will have a 1 in WeekdayHunterChance or GooseLookChance. When parameter is HuntingDays change will increase (when change > 1) or decrease (when change < 1) the already existing distribution of HuntingDays. When parameter is Efficiency, change will be the actual value given to all hunters.

weekbehav controls the weekly hunting behaviour. 0 is weekend hunting only (default), 1 is not weekend only and 2 means leave a refraction period in between hunting events. The refraction period is controlled by a config variable in ALMaSS.

file is the orginal Hunter_Hunting_Locations.txt file to modify and hhlpath gives the path to where the modified Hunter_Hunting_Locations.txt is written to.

huntersubset Defines the subset of hunters to apply change to. By default we only modify WeekdayHunterChance and GooseLookChance for the 343 expert goose hunters. If the change should be applied across all hunters, set huntersubset = 'all'. The 403 occasional hunters can be modified by using huntersubset = 'occasional' and the expert group by huntersubset = 'experts'


A tab separated text file formatted as an ALMaSS input file.

LDalby/ralmass documentation built on May 8, 2019, 5:48 p.m.