
estimateProp <- function(pvals, design, threshold=0.5) 
# A function to estimate the proportion of genes for each null/alt combination.
# This assumes that, at the specified threshold, there are no type II errors.
# It then calculates the number of genes with maximum p-values below the threshold
# for each combination of experiments.
	lhs <- rhs <- list()
	for (i in seq_len(ncol(design))) { 
		curnull <- design[,i]==1L
		vested <- colSums(design[curnull,,drop=FALSE])
		p.max <- do.call(pmax, pvals[curnull])
		lhs[[i]] <- 1-threshold^vested
		rhs[[i]] <- sum(p.max > threshold)/length(p.max)
    lhs <- do.call(rbind, lhs)
    rhs <- unlist(rhs)
	qr.solve(qr(lhs), rhs)

processPvals <- function(pvals)
# Processes p-values to obtain the necessary statistics 
# e.g. maximum p-value, proportion under/over each p-value.
    n <- length(pvals)
    combos <-  t(expand.grid(rep(list(0:1), n)))[,-1,drop=FALSE]
	ng <- lengths(pvals)
    ng <- ng[1]

    # Compute alpha's and m's.
	alpha <- do.call(pmax, pvals)
	m <- sapply(pvals, FUN=function(x) {
		index <- findInterval(alpha, sort(x))
		pmin(1-alpha, 1-index/ng)
	return(list(design=combos, p.max=alpha, m=m))
LTLA/giut documentation built on May 8, 2019, 7:59 p.m.