#' Optimization of sample configurations for spatial trend identification and estimation (I)
#' Optimize a sample configuration for spatial trend identification and estimation. A criterion is defined so
#' that the sample reproduces the bivariate association/correlation between the covariates (\bold{CORR}).
# @inheritParams spJitter
#' @template spSANN_doc
#' @template ACDC_doc
#' @template spJitter_doc
#' @details
#' \subsection{Association/Correlation between covariates}{
#' The \emph{correlation} between two numeric covariates is measured using the Pearson's \emph{r}, a
#' descriptive statistic that ranges from \eqn{-1} to \eqn{+1}. This statistic is also known as the linear
#' correlation coefficient.
#' When the set of covariates includes factor covariates, all numeric covariates are transformed into factor
#' covariates. The factor levels are defined using the marginal sampling strata created from one of the two
#' methods available (equal-area or equal-range strata).
#' The \emph{association} between two factor covariates is measured using the Cramér's \emph{V}, a descriptive
#' statistic that ranges from \eqn{0} to \eqn{+1}. The closer to \eqn{+1} the Cramér's \emph{V} is, the
#' stronger the association between two factor covariates.
#' The main weakness of using the Cramér's \emph{V} is that, while the Pearson's \emph{r} shows the degree
#' and direction of the association between two covariates (negative or positive), the Cramér's \emph{V} only
#' measures the degree of association (weak or strong). The effect of replacing the Pearson's \emph{r} with
#' the Cramér's \emph{V} on the spatial modelling outcome still is poorly understood.
#' }
#' @return
#' \code{optimCORR} returns an object of class \code{OptimizedSampleConfiguration}: the optimized sample
#' configuration with details about the optimization.
#' \code{objCORR} returns a numeric value: the energy state of the sample configuration -- the objective
#' function value.
#' @references
#' Cramér, H. \emph{Mathematical methods of statistics}. Princeton: Princeton University Press, p. 575, 1946.
#' Everitt, B. S. \emph{The Cambridge dictionary of statistics}. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p. 432,
#' 2006.
#' @author Alessandro Samuel-Rosa \email{alessandrosamuelrosa@@gmail.com}
#' @seealso \code{\link[pedometrics]{cramer}}, \code{\link[spsann]{optimACDC}}
#' @aliases optimCORR objCORR CORR
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #####################################################################
#' # NOTE: The settings below are unlikely to meet your needs. #
#' #####################################################################
#' data(meuse.grid, package = "sp")
#' candi <- meuse.grid[1:1000, 1:2]
#' covars <- meuse.grid[1:1000, 5]
#' schedule <- scheduleSPSANN(
#' initial.temperature = 5, chains = 1, x.max = 1540, y.max = 2060,
#' x.min = 0, y.min = 0, cellsize = 40)
#' set.seed(2001)
#' res <- optimCORR(
#' points = 10, candi = candi, covars = covars, use.coords = TRUE,
#' schedule = schedule)
#' objSPSANN(res) - objCORR(
#' points = res, candi = candi, covars = covars, use.coords = TRUE)
# MAIN FUNCTION ################################################################
optimCORR <-
function (points, candi,
covars, strata.type = "area", use.coords = FALSE,
schedule, plotit = FALSE, track = FALSE,
boundary, progress = "txt", verbose = FALSE) {
# Objective function name
objective <- "CORR"
# Check spsann arguments
# Check other arguments
check <- .optimACDCcheck(
candi = candi, covars = covars, use.coords = use.coords, strata.type = strata.type)
if (!is.null(check)) stop (check, call. = FALSE)
# Set plotting options
# Prepare points and candi
# Prepare for jittering
# Prepare 'covars' and create the starting sample matrix 'sm'
# Base data and initial energy state
pcm <- .corCORR(obj = covars, covars.type = covars.type)
scm <- .corCORR(obj = sm, covars.type = covars.type)
energy0 <- data.frame(obj = .objCORR(scm = scm, pcm = pcm))
# Other settings for the simulated annealing algorithm
old_sm <- sm
new_sm <- sm
best_sm <- sm
old_scm <- scm
best_scm <- scm
old_energy <- energy0
best_energy <- data.frame(obj = Inf)
actual_temp <- schedule$initial.temperature
k <- 0 # count the number of jitters
# Set progress bar
# Initiate the annealing schedule
for (i in 1:schedule$chains) {
n_accept <- 0
for (j in 1:schedule$chain.length) { # Initiate one chain
for (wp in 1:n_pts) { # Initiate loop through points
k <- k + 1
# Plotting and jittering
# Update sample and correlation matrices, and energy state
new_sm[wp, ] <- covars[new_conf[wp, 1], ]
new_scm <- .corCORR(obj = new_sm, covars.type = covars.type)
new_energy <- data.frame(obj = .objCORR(scm = new_scm, pcm = pcm))
# Avoid the following error:
# Error in if (new_energy <= old_energy) { :
# missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
# Source: http://stackoverflow.com/a/7355280/3365410
# ASR: The reason for the error is unknown to me.
if (is.na(new_energy[1])) {
new_energy <- old_energy
new_conf <- old_conf
new_sm <- old_sm
new_scm <- old_scm
# Evaluate the new system configuration
accept <- .acceptSPSANN(old_energy[[1]], new_energy[[1]], actual_temp)
if (accept) {
old_conf <- new_conf
old_energy <- new_energy
old_sm <- new_sm
old_scm <- new_scm
n_accept <- n_accept + 1
} else {
new_energy <- old_energy
new_conf <- old_conf
new_sm <- old_sm
new_scm <- old_scm
if (track) energies[k, ] <- new_energy
# Record best energy state
if (new_energy[[1]] < best_energy[[1]] / 1.0000001) {
best_k <- k
best_conf <- new_conf
best_energy <- new_energy
best_old_energy <- old_energy
old_conf <- old_conf
best_sm <- new_sm
best_old_sm <- old_sm
best_scm <- new_scm
best_old_scm <- old_scm
# Update progress bar
} # End loop through points
} # End the chain
# Check the proportion of accepted jitters in the first chain
# Count the number of chains without any change in the objective function.
# Restart with the previously best configuration if it exists.
if (n_accept == 0) {
no_change <- no_change + 1
if (no_change > schedule$stopping) {
# if (new_energy[[1]] > best_energy[[1]] * 1.000001) {
# old_conf <- old_conf
# new_conf <- best_conf
# old_energy <- best_old_energy
# new_energy <- best_energy
# new_sm <- best_sm
# new_scm <- best_scm
# old_sm <- best_old_sm
# old_scm <- best_old_scm
# no_change <- 0
# cat("\nrestarting with previously best configuration\n")
# } else {
# }
if (verbose) {
cat("\n", no_change, "chain(s) with no improvement... stops at",
schedule$stopping, "\n")
} else {
no_change <- 0
# Update control parameters
# Testing new parametes 'x_min0' and 'y_min0' (used with finite 'candi')
actual_temp <- actual_temp * schedule$temperature.decrease
x.max <- x_max0 - (i / schedule$chains) * (x_max0 - x.min) + cellsize[1] + x_min0
y.max <- y_max0 - (i / schedule$chains) * (y_max0 - y.min) + cellsize[2] + y_min0
} # End the annealing schedule
# Prepare output
# FUNCTION - CALCULATE ENERGY STATE ############################################
#' @rdname optimCORR
#' @export
objCORR <-
function (points, candi,
covars, strata.type = "area", use.coords = FALSE) {
# Check other arguments
check <- .optimACDCcheck(
candi = candi, covars = covars, use.coords = use.coords, strata.type = strata.type)
if (!is.null(check)) stop (check, call. = FALSE)
# Prepare points and candi
# Prepare 'covars' and create the starting sample matrix 'sm'
# Calculate the energy state
pcm <- .corCORR(obj = covars, covars.type = covars.type)
scm <- .corCORR(obj = sm, covars.type = covars.type)
energy <- .objCORR(scm = scm, pcm = pcm)
return (energy)
# obj: the matrix of covariates, for the population correlation matrix, and the
# sample matrix, for the sample correlation matrix
# covars.type: the type of covariate
.corCORR <-
function (obj, covars.type) {
if (covars.type == "numeric") {
stats::cor(x = obj, use = "complete.obs")
} else { # Factor covariates
pedometrics::cramer(x = obj)
# scm: sample correlation matrix
# pcm: population correlation matrix
.objCORR <-
function (scm, pcm) {
sum(abs(pcm - scm))
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